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A member registered Apr 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks, glad you liked it ☺️

Glad you figured it out and enjoyed it! :)

Yea so the idea is that, when the storms come, you have to dig yourself out afterwards. You have 5 actions on your turn, so if you are buried by more than 5 sand tiles it’s game over. Like I mentioned in some other comments, it’s kinda like Forbidden Desert. Eventually there’s just too much sand, and you’re done. My high score is around 30!

Thank you! That was my inspiration for sure – I love that game 👏👏 Thanks for playing!

I wonder if it’s a presentation issue with the page/cover? I had little time to make up a nice title/cover image. And also I wanted to go with super low res/pixelated look (true 192x176, no cheating!) and so the screenshots are tiny…

Anyway, thanks for playing, I’m glad you liked it :)

Aseprite is open source – – but you have to build it yourself to use that version. Personally I just grabbed a copy for 20 bucks, or I may have got it as part of a bundle… I can’t recall. It’s a great product worth supporting.

Ah yea, so I suggest not doing that. I mentioned in another comment I wish I had implemented a state machine for the world in general because the one for the player is hard to keep in sync with the world updates. So you gotta wait for each step/update before trying to continue to dig.

Hey! Thanks for playing :)

I didn’t have time to add an in-game tutorial so I’m sorry you weren’t sure how it worked. The description does explain a bit. It’s sort of inspired by the board game Forbidden Desert where you take a certain number of actions and then a storm comes and drops more sand and shifts things around.

I would say Godot is pretty easy to use once you get a handle on the fundamentals. There’s a lot of coverage of the basics on youtube.

The biggest challenges came from the fact that while I implemented a state machine for the player movement, the game world/state itself really could have used one. So there are some bugs where you can sort of ‘get ahead’ of the game if you’re impatient and don’t wait for animations/updates of the world.

The only other technology I used to make the game was Aseprite which is my pixel art editor of choice. But honestly my usage of it is very basic and any pixel editor would have sufficed.

Glad you liked the art, I’ve been in software for like 25 years and art is something new for me.


Hm what went wrong?

Really well done!

Sounds like you got the hang of the controls! :)

Thanks for playing 🫡

Good idea! I also played with letting the player stop whenever they wanted, or automatically at each “segment”. Something to consider!

Thanks for playing :)

Agreed! I spent some time fiddling with difficulty ramping up but couldn’t get the balance right. Like if you don’t get an xp upgrade soon enough suddenly it’s impossible, stuff like that. I also tried to make Frank move faster the long it went on which maybe has some potential.

Thanks for playing, I’m glad you liked the unconventional control scheme :)

Thanks, I was skeptical it was working out during dev, but all said and done I think it turned out pretty good.

(1 edit)

Thanks, art is new to me (been a software developer for like 25 years), so that’s nice to hear ;)

Great art!

These drivers are, incredibly, worse than the ones in my town 😂

Good fun.

Wow. It’s just so much fun!?

I want even more weapon types.

I was also a bit confused about the effects of potions – do they stack? Maybe some UI for that would be helpful.

Great job!

Well executed! I was wondering, on my way to level 10, if there is this much trash, what in the world is that beaver going to do once I’m gone!? But you had a solution for that ;)

This was really clever and a lot of fun. I’m not sure how well I did… did I miss a score keeper thing?

The game claims I do have a brain, yet somehow I managed to get locked a few levels in by impulsively moving a platform that can only be moved once 😅

Is there a way to restart a level?

This is truly bonkers. Love it. The chunky art style really sells the vibes.

Thanks pal!

I’m not crying I’ve just got something in my eye.

Great submission :)

It’s quite a bit of fun :) I feel like the birds need more falling damage. If I take down the whole tower it’d be very satisfying to see them poof-ing as the thing collapses.

Looks like you found a fun bug! I can’t currently explain that 😅 There’s definitely a bit of a colour ‘flow’ problem where the pipes get the wrong colours sometimes. I guess I would try to remove the mixer and re-add it or something, maybe an order of operations thing.

Needs some work 😎 Thanks for playing!

Sadly I broke the scaling at the end of development so that way more black mixers were needed 🫢

Thanks for playing!

Yea I agree! There’s also some bugs where the pipe gets the colour from the mixer when it should get it from the pump. Some tricky stuff in there that I just ran out of time for.

Thanks for playing!

Hey! You can secretly zoom in/out with up/down arrows, but yea since there’s nothing to do with the old factories I didn’t try to make it a real mechanic.

I originally considered having the inner factories ‘output’ the colours but tbh I really just had to scope it down. Had enough trouble/bugs dealing with handling different outputs and stuff as it was!

Thanks for playing!