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A member registered Dec 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback, appreciate it! :)

This one is realy hard. This kind of platformer should have like really good moving mechanics but jumping is really hard here. I really like the art and overall theme. Really nice characters and music too. Good job :)

This one is nice and simple. It's a pity that there is no music tho, some 8-bit music would really make it better! Also, it happend to me many times that I hooked to the next platform and as I was swinging around it I went down too much and died - while still being attached to the platform. But overall really nice, I like the pixel art and the parallax background is really nice too!

Good job! :)

Yes we were thinking about some kind of ending but then we decided to focus on other things and we didn't have time to implement this but it's a good idea for sure! Adding controlls into the game itself is a good idea too, will do that for upcoming ones.
Thanks for feedback, glad you liked it! :)

Oh! Stupid me haha :D Then it makes sense! :)

(1 edit)

Oh that's a pity. I have tried everything again and it works just fine for me. You have to detonate the firework manually with space bar - but I guess you read that on the game's page.  You can try both versions - the downloadable executable and the browser one too if you haven't already.  If still nothing helps I recorded a short showcase of gameplay, so you can at least watch it on a video here: 

Thanks for the feedback :)

Its a pity that you didnt spend more time with this one, looks promising. But in this state its nothing special. The gameplay is decent, I like the music and the theme of the game. Though I dont really see the use of the theme of the game jam - I get it from the name of the game but couldnt really see it in the game itself.

The ship is spinning like a beyblade :D Kinda hard to control where you want to go. But The art is really nice here, I like it a lot! Also the gameplay is great, just the rotation of the ship needs to be adjusted :D I miss any sound there, it would really make the game feel more alive. The black holes are cool too, I like how suddenly everyghin changes. Good job! :)

(1 edit)

I didnt really understand what I should do. I watched the video after that and it looked nice. Just like overcooked yeah :D But I have to say that I dont see the use of the theme of the game jam here. Maybe I miss something? Overall its quite nice - I like the music, sounds and the art - that si really nicely done. I have to admit its pretty incredible that you created all of this in 2 days. Really good job! :)

Wow this is cool. Very nice art, music and sound effects. But the shooting is really weird - high knockback and the projectile is not really going far. I didnt get past the 2nd snowman, always got shot. But nice menu and settings too. Its needs few changes in controlls but overall its nice. I had to turn the settings down because it was all really reflective and not really nice for me :P Good job :)

(1 edit)

Its a different version of flappy bird but yeah, it works. This could be DLC to Among Us :D You would play something like this after you were kicked out of the space ship :D I miss something like high score there and few other stuff but yeah, it works. Good job :)

This is pretty good. I like the art and the music but after few minutes everything got very similar and it was kind of easy too. But tbh I quite dont see the use of the "Rise" - yeah you end up in a tower and try to escape from the monkeys but that part is not there imo. But overall nice and cool! Good job :)

This game looks very nice - the art, animations, music, sound effects but the controlls are really not good. It would be better in my opinion to have jump on arrows too and dash on spacebar, or jump on space + dash on ctrl/shift, something like that. I didnt get to the 2nd platform so hard to judge the start but its really hard but very nice idea and use of theme. I liked it! Good job :)

Thanks for feedback :)

I really like the idea of your game! Something like this was one of our initial ideas but we did something else later. The art is very simple but the animations are doing their job and its quite nice actually. I am missing some sounds there and the ballance is a bit off too. After few upgrades I was able to kill almost all enemies within few seconds so then I got not enough gore to get some upgrades. Overall quite nice, very interesting version of tower defense game and I really like the use of theme! Good job :)

Hey, I am looking for some feedback for our game. I will rate yours back if you give us some constructive critique.

Happy New Year!

Haha this was funny and a good idea (indeed very similar to our idea, as you said already). I liked the pixel art animations and spiking those birds even tho that part suprised me a little tbh :D 

Good job :)

Thanks for feedback, I am glad you liked it.

Looking forward to trying your game!

Thanks a lot for feedback, I am glad you liked it!

It might feel like a full game but it should be noted that we made it in a team of 2.

The art was a bit of an issue for us, that is true. But neither of us are into art creation so we had to stick with free assets we could find.

It's a pity that the progression is not noticable much because the upgraded fireworks are really cool! You can try to use the special cheat button to get more money in the shop if you want to see those fireworks.

Cheers, happy new year!

I saw many people having the webgl build on their game pages and we dont have that so I was wondering if I can add it to the game page. Of course not editing anything, the original build with .exe file will stay untouched. Its our first jam and we are new to these things. 

Thanks for any answer

Can we make the game in a team of 2 people?