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Per request of community on Discord - we're extending the jamming period!
I hope, now all of you will manage to submit your awesome creations!

Soooo Happy Defolding!


We start in two hours! There will be questions with answers from Poki and Defold teams, Defold will present results of the Community Poll! 

Today - 15:00 GMT +2

Join us:

Hello! Games submitted for #MadeWithDefold Jam 2024 should have a playable HTML5 or PC version. And also, Is this application made with Defold?

Switching with a key/button should work with N characters :D But anyway - this is a really great idea, if polished I believe it would be interesting for players as a quick casual webgame or mobile game ;)

Great, completed game! Gameplay is amazing, you need to get through the tutorials, but as you figure out how to play it's a sweet spot regarding difficulty and offers pleasant smooth gameplay focusing on balanced and reactive resource management. With time it's getting more and more difficult, so it's a great challenge. I love the art style, it's beautiful, music is great as well!

Nice twist on classic platformer :D

Wow! Very nice mechanics! Kind of a tetris, but you are a controller. Nice puzzles and very nice learning curve with more challenging puzzles every level. I love the style also!

That's what game jams are for! To make a great new game design and test it! I love that you focused mainly on mechanics and rest is just minimalistically stylish. The game plays and feels really good and imho it has one of the best, creative, innovative and well defined mechanics out there

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Overcrowded place atmosphere simulator. Yep, that's a genre :D

It's normal for the game jams ;) The most important thing that the core gameplay is interesting and playable ;)

Sadly it doesn't have any explanation nor description so it's really hard to figure what's going on and what is the goal. I was building around the middle, I was building up a tower then. It should have some tutorial or a description ;) Beside, the visuals and feel is really great

Very nicely executed game! It sticks to the idea, offers understandable gameplay. The only thing is that it gets easier with time, the enemies difficulty and amount should increase with time, to make building it up more challenging, but it's only a balancing thing. The game is great ;)

One of the most creative gameplay here! I really love the idea on the gameplay - you definitely need to make the caterpillar spinning, to get up, but because you are climbing up a moving body of a human - you can utilise the best moments to jump and fly higher! Great gameplay. And visuals and audio is fitting the overall feel of the game ;)

It's a very complex game, but when you get the idea, it's very nice ;) And nicely fits the theme!

I like the idea, nice resource balancing game and perfect fir for a theme of the jam :D

Very nice idea and challengine puzzles! I would improve the visibility of the selected character. The area on which you can click to select it is small, so I ended up deselecting the character sometimes. It would be maybe nice with "Tab" or other key to switch between characters? Gameplay might be way faster then ;) 

Hi! The game looks cute, but is it a game made with Defold? This particular jam has in Rules to only submit games made with Defold and for PC/HTML5.

Link to the event:

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Hi! While it's a great game, it's made with Godot and not Defold. Bear in mind this is the game jam to make a game in Defold, so you won't be eligible for rewards according to its Rules with this entry. Good luck in the other jams though! ;)

The theme of the #MadeWithDefold Jam 2024 is "ONE TOO MANY"!

It can be interpreted as "Ooops, one too many!", one additional feature that affects the game, something overflown, overpowered, exaggereted. Players might face situations where having "one too many" of something leads to unexpected consequences, e.g. taking "one too many" items might slow/affect/change the character. The player might be tasked with balancing items, elements or forces, and adding one too many could disrupt the balance. The narrative could involve a protagonist who indulges in one too many of something. "One too many" could refer to an overpopulated world where resources are e.g. scarce, could explore themes of consumerism and excess. I believe there are many, many possible ideas and probably even... one too many! ^^

We're counting on your imagination! ;)

P.S. The image below is from what the idea was born! :D

Thank you! I fixed it here on itch too ;)

The theme of the #MadeWithDefoldJam 2024 will be announced here, on my Twitter, Defold forum, Unfolding Gamedev YT channel and Discord at midnight (CEST), so very, very soon! ⌛️

What's your plan for the jam? ;)

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Event will take place on Defold's Discord on 30. August 2024 at 3:00 PM (GMT+2):

As you may noticed, we have now scheduled two amazing Q&A sessions with Poki and Defold teams!

To be prepared, when the time comes - think of the questions you would like to ask them after their short presentation. If you can come up with some already - write them below, on Discord in #game-jams or Defold forum!

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Hello Jammers!

Defold supported the jam with a set of Steam Gift cards of total value of €235!

Best 10 games made with Defold will receive Steam Gift cards of value:
1st place: €100
2nd place: €50
3rd place: €25
4-10 places: €10 each!

Yes, by the result of that poll, there will be one jam, without any shenaningas, no need to make it complex :D
So, 2-weeks long, theme will be announced at the beginning of the jam. If you want to win prizes, make a game aligned with the theme ;)

Thank you for joing the jam! Some questions arose about the currently proposed split of the jam in two different structures. What do you think about such idea? Or do you think it's better to make one consolidated?

Please, leave your vote here:

I'm trying to revive the topic that was archived here: Since I'm trying to run a HTML5 application hosted on and want to get all permisions (it works on Android now, but doesn't work on iOS, so I'm looking for any solution, perhaps this could be an issue).

I just wanted to write a Direct Message for you, so that I can give you the reward for taking the 5th place in the Game Idea Jam! But since (waaay too much) time passed and I messed it, please, let me know at which game you would like to have as a reward! :D The titles left in the pool are: Chivalry II, Midnight Fight Express, Twin Mirror, Trek to Yomi, Back 4 Blood, Fable Anniversary, The Callisto Protocol

Hey, please give me your contact, or contact me for a reward! ;)

Congratulations on winning the Game Idea Jam 2024! 🥳 Let me know, which game you choose from the pool and write me a DM, so I can send you the key! ;)

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Results are here:
Congratulations to the winners and to all the participants to submitted the game - you already won the struggle with starting/making a prototype/game! 🎉

I will contact the winners one by one, and because I took 4th place (which I'm very thankful for!) I can't give myself a medal and there will be winners up to the 6th place! It will really help me a ton, if your game took place 1-6th, please reach me out on Discord (PawelJarosz#5545), X/Twitter: or Telegram, so that I will have a contact to you and write to you on your turn on choosing the game prize from the pool of available ones ;)

Thank you very much!

Best Regards,


P.S. In August/September I will be running another game jam: annual community #MadeWithDefold Jam 2024 - if you are interested in checking out Defold game engine, I invite you to the Jam page (under construction yet):

It's a really nuanced game with hard mechanics, but given enough time it has so many cool ideas, it can turn into a nice platformer with puzzles! The artstyle is unique and charming and somehow you make it pretty compatible with the crazy generated idea :D (I made the generator and I had to make a racer about a fish wanting to be a game developer in subatomic world, so I know what I'm saying xD)

Interesting style and interesting mechanics! The combat system is nuanced, but the clarity of what is happening might use some improvement. In overall, it's a really interesting game that could evolve into something nice! Congratulations!

Interesting questionaire! I really liked some of the questions!

I like this game very much! It has nice and simple mechanics (with a weird bug/feature, where you can "jump" on wall and climb up by holding up - so I felt like Spider-man a bit :D), Levels are nicely designed. Mirrors are reflecting bullets unexpectedly, it's not like in real world :D But the intro - it was cool and it even have voice over! Congratulations on making such a great game for a game jam ;)

It's extremely fast and unforgiving, the movement is speed and gravity is strong, so you have to be really careful when jumping - it makes the game really annoying, when you fall down! :D Nice prototype! ;) 

Hah! :D Crazy idea, nice, simple visuals, straight goal and Amine! Really nice prototype ;)

Beautiful visuals, clean and simple design, sometimes it was hard to properly feel the jump, but it's a nice little prototype! Great entry!

Oh no! I don't have a proper gamepad to check this out properly :D Sadly the QTE are really hard and unituitive, because the displayed keys are from gamepad and with keyboard it's hard. Beside of this, there is a nice atmosphere, beautiful visuals and even some shaders! Nice one!

Nice game idea and levels, especially the one inspired by Squid Game :D