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A member registered Apr 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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For sure concept is interesting

Funny thing is, that it was not planned. I just had no time to make any 😄

Thank you. If you press 1 you play as player, but if you press 2-8 you get teleported to AI and you can see what they are building, so maybe that is what happened to you? Clicking on planet (on left side) should put you back to your home system.
This game for sure needs tutorial :D

I would love to see the train go when you connect the rails :)

Sadly it is hard to test without friends. Hopefully I can try it again in future against a bot

Almost got a minute, Played it for longer that expected :D

I think that adding obstacles would be a bit better, that having different points for each square, but besides that fun game with nice audio.

Harder that expected, but still great fun. It will be interesting to see if you take it somewhere further in future

I had absolute blast with this one. I never expected that writing test could be this fun great job.

Interesting technical demo. Would be nice to have a bit more levels, but I really like that you tried to make 3 games instead of 1

Game looks like this on my screen, so could not do much. I would be happy to try it again if its fixed
For others to get to the game press Z
For developer please make it possible to start with Enter or space
I really liked the music

I submitted post jam update to make it readable for people. In case people want to try again

That font was last minute fix, because all the text overflow once you unlock mines level 10 :D You can see it on 4k monitor, but it is still not good

I hope that the goal was to just stand where the "buttons" are, because I could not figure out anything else. I liked the music and art :)

Fun game, my plan was just to spam first tower, but it worked so everything is fine 

This project is older that the game jam, so it should not be here.

And that is the smallest issue with this.

Super fun little game. Took me a bit to figure out, what upgrades to buy, but after that it was fun to just sit back relax and watch :)

Yea kind of had only time for proof of concept, but it is playable so I am happy :D


Yea I definitely need to fix that. I tested it only on mac + linux so that is fully my fault

Super fun game. I can finally show someone how it feels like when they start talking to me at work :D

Fun little game!

  • I really liked how you explained controls, It was nice and simple and easy to pickup game (and test the skills while in that room)
  • Innovation – The roulette selection of skills is nice, but perhaps it should not be done for everything.
  • Fun – I enjoyed the game for what it is, but maybe remove the pistol (it was easy to just stay away and spam attack)
  • Graphics - It needs a bit of work. It was nice and clean, but felt empty
  • Audio - It felt hollow. I feel like it needs a bit more impact .
  • Polish - Besides one error everything was good and working as expected
    • Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing?
      If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).
      • I got this error the second time I tried to play a game

Game does not scale properly this is how it looked like on my screen

Intro was really long and boring
I was not able to control it or do anything with this game (after the long intro).

Hopefully it can be fixed and played for others :)

Thank you for the review. Editor->Documentation should open folder that contains md and html format of the documentation. You can also see it Online

Thank you for the feedback I will try to implement better program execution and explanation

I am going tomake somethingsmallerfor this.So we could join if you want. Feel free to check what I do on my itch page 

I know that I should probably comment about the game itself, but I was just happy to see a game made in Bevy. Hopefully we will see more games from you in future

It is really hard to play at 4k, but the music is so good that I had it in background for a while.

Thank you for the feedback :)

Thank you for greatfeedback. I do kind of feel same about the game.

1. The whole first screen was happy accident 

2. To be honest we did not expect anyone to even click there, so it was not tested 😄

3. Font was place holder and yes for this game it's really bad

4 and 5 Yep it is just bad. Luckily it is the part, where we could experiment a lot

Thank you for great feedback back. 

I really like the concept, but I think it needs camera shake on jump and even bigger one on ground stomp to make it feel better.

Amazing art and music.  It is great, that you mentioned known bugs, so people do not have to repeat them.

Thanks for playing :) Some of the things are planned for after Jam update :) It definitely needs more content and better explanation :)

Nice game. It would be nice if you could swap body and move at the same time. (I had to stop pressing every other button)

Really nice visuals. It would be nice to have timer after void dodge to know how long player cant move.

It is partially written on bottom of the screen, but it definitely needs dialog that explains it further the first time as well

It took a little bit of time to realize how it actually works. It would be nice if it you had tutorial for bot Q and E ability separately.

Otherwise really nice game and it was fun to play once I knew how :D

(2 edits)

I had hard time getting it work in full screen (2 buttons for full screen, but one of them makes it super tiny).

I know that controls are explained on the page, but I think more interactive tutorial is needed for players like me that are bit slower to understand the game.

Now on second play I realized that "song progress" is on top. That part is really hard to see on 4k Display, so if anyone else has issues, its better to set your resolution to 1080p

When you are able to read things it is actually really fun :)

Great visuals and fun game-play. Took a little bit of time to realize how it works, but I got there in the end.

It would be nice to reverse the right click (slowdown on press) or to have it as toggle