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A member registered May 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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thank you for the feedback! i was going for a super monkey ball kind of feel to it, and i think i definitely could've done better with the acceleration and deceleration variables. :)

Very creative idea, the concept is really cool, the art is nice, and I like how it uses the limitation and theme. I like the idea of being in control of an eldritch horror (even if it is a benevolent one). I did find it a little tricky as the ships seem to slow down quite a bit after being redirected, so by the time I needed to enlarge to help the next ship, the first one still hadn't reached the bottom. That could just have been me not playing well though lol.

Very enjoyable. the graphics and especially the UI were very nice, and excellent use of the limitation!

thanks, I'm glad you liked it 😀 

thanks, yes i owe much of my early gamedev days to his videos, and still go back and review them from time to time when i forget something.

thanks! maybe after the jam I'll make a couple levels for it that are a little more polished.

This game is fun. I really like the art and the colors make for a very nice palette. I enjoy the idea of the random curses when you start too. I did feel movement was a bit slow even without the sloth curse, but it actually balances out well with the enemy difficulty so that's ok. Good work. 

Very great game! I loved reading the story. The art and animations were all great and the music fit well.

thanks for the feedback, and lol yea I must've missed that glitch, glad you liked it though!

good idea. I'll definitely check it out, i plan on playing as many of the jam games as i can over the weekend

thanks for the feedback! I definitely should have thought more about my colors, and after replaying i see what you mean about the jumping. I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Very nice game. I do agree with some of the other comments about the bats, as they are now, they detract from the game, several times I've died trying to talk to someone. They can make exploration very aggravating, if I run into an empty dead end and find the entrance blocked by them, there seems no way of getting out except dying and reloading the save. If you include enemies there should definitely be a way to either defeat them or defend yourself and escape them. The players death should result as a lack of skill on their end, not simply happenstance. randomness can be good for shaking stuff up, but should never be the sole factor in killing a player.

However now that I have the negative out of the way, I will say I really liked it. The story is good, short and sweet, with a great amount of heart. I love the pixel art character portraits, and the assets are all nicely detailed and go together very well.  Exploring the area, discovering and speaking with the various characters, and solving their dilemmas can be satisfying. Finding the leaves next to the skeleton, then later finding the person that needs them gives a nice "ahha!" moment. It does seems strange that falling into a hole transports you to a different section of the map, so this could use a little bit more context, do you fall into a tunnel and just walk to the other side?

Anyway, great work!

i think this is one of my favorites this jam. Very clever twist, and very fun to play!