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Very creative idea, the concept is really cool, the art is nice, and I like how it uses the limitation and theme. I like the idea of being in control of an eldritch horror (even if it is a benevolent one). I did find it a little tricky as the ships seem to slow down quite a bit after being redirected, so by the time I needed to enlarge to help the next ship, the first one still hadn't reached the bottom. That could just have been me not playing well though lol.

Thank you so much for playing and rating my game! And yes it is intended to be a bit difficult as actually we don't know why Mu'Riel is helping humans. The death count certainly adds doubt. Once rating is done I will tinker with the physics a bit more and perhaps add multiple types of ships as well, some easier to spin around, and some a lot harder but worth more human souls.