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A member registered Jan 15, 2014 · View creator page →

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This feels like a bug with the depth buffer not clearing fully.

If you change line 54 of Content/Shaders/Edge.glsl to this:

o_color = col;

it will get rid of the edges on stuff but will probably also get rid of those artifacts. I'm not sure why they would not be clearing for you.

As far as I can tell it's misreporting something about Microsoft .NET 8 applications. The source is all available and you're welcome to self build it as well.

Thanks! This one has now been fixed, will be in the next release in a few days!

Awesome! Sorry I didn't get back to you, but blender is a good call, thanks :)

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It looks like your save file is corrupted and it's crashing trying to parse it. You unfortunately will likely need to delete the save file to play again. If you're on windows it will be located in {User}/AppData/Roaming/Celeste64

Hmm I'm looking into it, it seems like it's crashing because it can't figure out the controller name. I'm going to implement a fix but it may be a few days before it's live.

Unfortunately I don't have an obvious fix for you right now, but if it was an OpenGL bug it should show some kind of error, but it's not. If you press confirm (C on keyboard, A on controller) can you also hear the menu?

Haha awesome, nice work. The character model worked really well!

You can also do this without recompiling the game by changing line 54 in Content/Shaders/Edge.glsl to:

o_color = col;

When you unzip the contents of the directory, what is there?

Hey, thanks for the report. This should be fixed and will be included in the next update.

Thanks, this is useful! Will look into fixing.

yeah it will take a bit of time (days) but some people have written code for it. So it should happen eventually.

macOS is definitely possible, I just haven't had the opportunity to make sure it's running myself yet. If you want to try building it yourself with .NET 8, it should be fairly straight forward:

I intend to release a macOS version in the future once we can be sure it doesn't have major issues.

I've solved these issues and will look into publishing them in an hour or so once everything is verified.

Hey! Right now there's no config file to edit, but I suspect there will be in the near future.

In the meantime, if you're not opposed to building the game yourself (which I know can be a bit daunting if you haven't before) you can edit this file:

Alternatively joy2key is always a fallback until there's a config file.

Hey, on Keyboard the controls are a bit wonky, sorry:

WASD controls camera
Arrow Keys controls Madeline
C for menu confirm/jump
X for dash
Z/Shift for grab

Sorry about that. I'm looking into what could be causing it but at a loss right now.

You're welcome to try building it yourself but I understand that can be daunting if you haven't done it before.

In theory the latest version should have this fixed as we updated what version of .NET we're using.

Thanks for the info. I'm away from my linux pc right now but should be able to fix the symlink issue with FMOD soon.
Regarding the main crash though, it looks like an OpenGL issue. I'll look into resolving that, thanks!

This should hopefully be resolved now with the latest version.

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Hey unfortunately we didn't have time to add modifiable key bindings. It's not ideal but you can manually change the controls in C# and run it that way:

Hey! This should be fixed now if you download again.

Yes, it's something we'd like to patch in the future!

When no controller is plugged in, the C keyboard key is the confirmation key to progress through menus.

Sorry for the slow reply, but if you bought the Physical PC edition from Limited Run you should have received an key on April 19 which you can use to update to the latest version.
If you bought a PS4 or Switch physical edition, the game will update when we launch 1.4 on consoles (we're still working on it).

Hi, we're looking into a solution for this but it might take a little bit. Thanks for your patience!

Yeah, we're working on updating Consoles but it will be a little while still!

Haha yeah, we're working every day! To even our own surprise, games take a while to make :D

Hey, does the game create an error_log.txt file?
You could alternatively try the OpenGL version for Windows and see if that works!

I didn't realize that numbers in pico-8 were 16 bit. After about 17 minutes this will happen. I've updated the game to solve the obvious overflows that I saw!

lol i got my own handle wrong thanks

Our default Windows build doesn't have great controller detection due to using XNA.
If you use the OpenGL Windows version, it has much better controller support and should be able to detect it.

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The default Windows version doesn't have great controller support besides xbox due to the engine (XNA) we used. I would give the OpenGL version a shot, which uses FNA and SDL2 and has much better controller support. I should document this somewhere, sorry!

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It's likely crashing because it's not able to save due to file read/write permissions. Try moving the game to somewhere like Documents or Desktop, and try running from there.

Did you try the steps listed here?

If so, does the game create an error_log.txt?

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It's the first option in the options menu.