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A member registered Mar 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Find This Pixel Anomaly

Thank you so much for your feedback! You're totally right, even though it is just a prototype, it could need some more instructions. I have a lot of ideas for this one, like paying with vouchers; knowingly letting customers pass without paying;  returning items;  etc. :) And also thanks for reporting the bugs!

Thank you so much! This definitely helps keeping me motivated 😁

Thank you for checking out my thread!
My game is about finding anomalies  in a set of security camera footage. It's heavily inspired by "I'm on Oberservation Duty". My fiancée loves this series and I wanted to try to implement this in my own style.

>> Your task involves monitoring real-time surveillance camera feeds, identifying any irregularities within the monitored areas. These anomalies can vary from missing furniture to cute visitors. Found an anomaly? Report it to your boss and hope it will get fixed in time. Can you find all of them? <<

You can check the game out here:

Any form of constructive  feedback  is very welcomed. I'm afraid that it's too easy or too boring, because it lacks the horror-atmosphere of the original title. What do you think?

woah you're fast, thank you sooo much!

Omg I love those!! QQ Could you pixel some kind of scanner to scan food at the cashier? I'm trying to implement some "Papers Please" like game as a cashier

Please provide this in English and for macOS or web 🙏 I could use this to easily find a frame number, after cutting the spritesheet

I love this! Thank you so much for your awesome extensions!

Hey there, the feature to analyze colors and replace them sounds awesome! I installed the extension and opened the "Analyze Colors" window. All colors are listed, but  unfortunately I  cannot click on them, like shown in your video. Just nothing happens on click.    I'm using Aseprite v1.2.35-arm64 on macOS. Hope this helps.

Hey guys,

I'm   developing a top down RPG  and I just can't find any  way to implement this typical text/typing sound. A very good example is the Phoenix Wright series I think. In this game it is more of a  typewriter sound. In other games it's kind of a synth sound, I guess?

I'm developing in  JavaScript (with Phaser Framework). But I guess it will be very similar in other languages.

So where would I find  a sound for this and how could I implement it, so that it matches the text length? My   assumption would be to repeat the sound until the typewriter functionality gives notice of having finished.

Would be very happy for any advice.

Thank you very much!

Best regards


Thank you very much! I really enjoyed the simplicity of the Undertale art style. And besides: Sans is a great name for a dog!

This video helps

You can fix it with this video

Had the same problem. You can fix it with this video :)

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It seems like you must have a resolution/browser width of at least 1001px to display the texts correctly, because itch otherwise does not size the canvas correctly. :/ So thank you very much for pointing this out. Maybe I can provide an exe file in the future.

Oh no, unfortunately I cannot replicate this :/ Could you please tell me the resolution you played it with?

Oh thank you so much QQ That really means a lot!

Yeah that's where the prototype ends right now 😄🙈 In the finished game you will have three different kinds of evidence of course

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Sure :) You can play it in your browser with keyboard support:

Really love this doggo and used him in my 1 minute game jam participation. So thank you very much <3

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Thank you for your feedback! I agree completely. We had more ideas like calling him by his name, choosing a collar or a bandana for him and so on. But unfortunately all these ideas would have gone beyond the scope of one single minute :'D

Thank you sooo much! Looking for ward to your game :)

What do you mean exactly?

Oh no stan :( I bet he has a cozy home now. It's...just not yours I guess. (Pls dont strike me)

Glad that you liked it, because I use the same mechanic in my other game :)

Thank you very much!


A.N.Y.   Safety Patrol [Prototype]

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"You're new at school and the first day is often exciting, but it gets pretty lame soon. Not on A.N.Y Middle school! Join the safety patrol and solve all the dirty crimes, happening at school."


Hey there,

this is a super early prototype of my first game called "A.N.Y. Safety  Patrol". You  can play it here: . I really hope for some feedback in order to improve my skills. So feel free to leave a comment :)   Thank you very much in advance!

Thank you so much! QQ

Really like the colors and the    simplicity!

@Sarainia Thank you soo much! I'm struggling so hard with the graphics, because I'm a dev, not a graphic genious...I don't get much feedback on apps/websites either, but I think the most important thing is, that you have fun while coding/creating and learn something new every day :) So keep it up!

@DiamondGames2020 For me, personally, unity was too much as a beginner. I'm a web developer and all the tools and UI were too complicated to concentrate on my game itself. I recommend simple HTML+Javascript+CSS for a total beginner. Maybe in combination with PhaserJS.

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Hello everyone,

this will be my first jam.   I always have a lot of game ideas I never finish . I recently started to work on a card game and I hope this jam keeps me motivated to at least implement an early prototype.

This is what it looks like so far:

Good luck to everyone and  happy holidays!