Here you only get a demo - for now.
you can follow the progress on their patreon site, the link is on the front page.
Can't go wrong with that price.
The game surprised me in a positive way. It's clearly not a high budget production, but for an adventure in 1st person perspective it's done quite well.
Other than in your usual walking simulator you get actual NPCs to talk and interact with, that also move around. The narration is ok, I am not all too deep into the story yet, so I can't say much about that, but it has a good atmosphere.
It's defnitly worth a look and makes me hope for more to come.
However ... I met my first game breaking bug quite early. When loading day two, the overlay text would not go away, meaning that the game became unplayable. I had to start from scratch then.
I am sure that this can be fixed easily.