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Nathcra Games

A member registered Aug 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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These look great in my game! Just checking: I can use these in a commercial project, right?

Great job! We made a very similar game. I felt that yours actually got the "racing" part in. The fact that there were bots to play against was really cool. The art style was great also!

Interesting game!

I survived for 3:53! The game was very polished and easy to understand. Good job!

Very interesting snake game! It was really hard but very fun.

Wow! The music and opening is awesome! It took a second for me to realize what you needed to do but the game was so cool!

The retro style is perfect! The game was very hard though.

It didn't really match the theme well but it was an interesting concept.

The music is great! I didn't really know what to do though but the overall feel of the game was very funny.

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you!

Fun and interesting concept! The game was well polished and I was able to beat it!

Very fun game! The art was good and the music was also very good. I got 284!

Thank you!

Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

Very interesting puzzle game. Unlike some of the other jam games, I actually wanted to play this as it got more interesting. Great job! One of the best.

I won! Interesting idea executed well. My only problem was that the GUI was hard to understand at first. 

Fun and interesting game that fits the theme well! The fact that you made everything from the art to the music and sound effects in 48 hours is awesome!

Very fun and interesting game! The art is nice and it's easy to play.

I'm on Linux and I tried using WINE to run the game but it didn't work and I got a black screen :(. The game looks really cool just by looking at the screenshots. I wish I could play.

Thank you! There are many ways that you can beat the levels in interesting ways. I'm glad you were able to use them.

This was an interesting puzzle game. However, I have one problem. Getting used to the swapping mechanic is hard enough, so I don't think the rocks should be shooting you. That's just me though. The game had good graphics and presentation anyways.

Great concept and executed nicely. The only problem I had is that the people can see and shoot through walls which was kind of annoying. Great job!

Great idea! The art was very good and the controls were easy.

Great game! It was interesting, fun, and looked really good!

Very interesting game! I'm not great at Chess but it was fun to see all the pieces do crazy things they wouldn't usually do.

This game is awesome! It's creative, fun to play, and has great art and sound effects!

There was only a Windows build but I was able to play on Linux using wine! The art was good, but the  effects were kind of over the top though. 

Thank you for the feedback! I made the game in the Godot 4 Release Candidates to get the new features and it all seemed to work. For input I used the physical key features where the key scan codes work on any keyboard type. I guess when it's actually needed, it fails. It had one job lol! For audio, I have no idea what's going on. These might be problems with the Godot 4 beta but it seemed to work for everyone else. Anyways, thank you for trying my game and leaving feedback! 

Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback!

I was just using a basic one that works with games that have controller support. I've never seen it not work on a game like this. It's probably a problem with Unity input or something. 

Fun game! The game was very peaceful. I would recommend better controls though in the air.

Very interesting idea! Unfortunately I did not know where to go and find exploits. If I did though, I would have enjoyed the game even more. The shaders and curve effects of the world made the game look super cool!

This got intense fast! I would recommend some more juice such as screen shake. I have a game pad but it didn't work for some reason. The game recognized that it was plugged in but the inputs had no effect on the game. 

Thank you for playing and leaving feedback!

Thank you!

Thank you! My original plan that fit the theme way better was just too much for myself to make within the deadline. Thank you for playing and leaving the comment though and I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you for playing the game! A friend told me the same thing about the camera shake in testing and I tried to lower it a little bit before the deadline but I guess it wasn't enough. Anyways, thank you so much for playing and leaving feedback!

Thank you so much!