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A member registered Jun 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Beautiful tiles! I like the movement in the bushes a lot!

Nice work! Good atmosphere and I jumped more than once while playing :)

Hey, I certainly would not be opposed to an NES port. Maybe someday! :)

Hey! I am super glad to hear that you liked the demo!

I will be sure take your feedback into account if I get another update out for the game, especially for the demo (which is a bit behind the full release). For the Buffalo USB: I don't know for sure whether it will work or not, but try unplugging the XBOX controller before booting up the game. XBOX controllers sometimes grab priority on Windows.

By the way, I follow your work on Twitter and Game Jolt. I absolutely love your stuff! It really lit up my morning to see your username in the Belle Boomerang comments! :)

Have a great day!

Haha, I am very glad to hear you like it! It was a simple but fun little animation to draw!

Thank you! I hope to expand upon it more in the future!

Thank you! They were a fun time to draw!

Thank you!

Just doodling around with some pixelart! These are based on characters from an abandoned project. I tried to stick to a very Gameboy Color-esc style.


I'm glad to hear you're liking the game! Also, thank you for letting me know about the bug. Were you still able to beat the level okay?

Try emailing the screenshot to if you still have it.

I'll definitely look into it! Thanks again!

I'm glad to hear!

He is quite polite :)

This artwork is so stylistic and fun! Keep up the awesome work! :)

Thank you! :)

(3 edits)

Don't worry! There's more Belle Boomerang news on the way! 

In the meantime, enjoy a Screenshot Saturday and be sure to keep an eye on my Instagram for news!

That's awesome! I'll try to catch the stream live, if I can!

I'd love some feedback on my entry, if there's time! :)

I haven't heard as much affirmation on the artwork and music, so I am really glad to hear you liked them! Thank you for the kind words!

I was definitely aiming for replay-ability, so I'm glad to hear it landed! Thank you for the kind words :)
Especially after all of the jam comments, I'm considering a fuller experience using the same concepts. And yes, some fine tuning is definitely needed! I completely understand where the "scraping by" feeling is coming from.

Thanks for playing!

That makes me very happy to hear! Thank you for playing!

I am really glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Sadly, yeah, my scope was pretty limited. The enemies do get stronger and stronger stats, but the balancing never felt quite right. I also agree they need a bit more intelligence/variety.

Hopefully, I can flesh out the game in the future! I really appreciate the feedback and thank you for investing a little time into my entry! :)

Thank you! I had a lot of fun coming up with different attacks, so I am glad to hear it was appreciated!

(1 edit)

A turn-based, strategy RPG with puzzle blocks!

This game was created for GBJAM 10.

 Download Here:

Just as I said on the Jam page, very clever! I really enjoyed my time :)

There was a surprising amount of challenge and clever gameplay design here - fantastic work! You got a lot of mileage out of a simple concept.

What is here is pretty neat! I always appreciate when jam games find the time for some world building :)

I hope you get to fleshing it out further after the jam!

Simple, intuitive, and oddly satisfying. Nice work! Exactly what I want from a jam game!

Very ambitious doing an adventure game for a jam! I really liked the statues that would give you money in exchange for a weakness. Interesting mechanic!

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Thank you so much! This is a gameplay concept I was super excited to try; It seemed to fit the Game Boy spirit.
I typically use the defense drain on the large, 2x2, bell plant enemies, but brute force can work as well! :)

Hey, thank you! I'm really glad you thought so! :)

I was pretty happy with how they game scored in every category. Thank you for playing :)

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I'm glad you had some fun with it! Messing around with all the variety while still keeping jam limitations in mind was a good challenge!

Your entry is awesome, by the way. I saw some of your progress on the Discord. I haven't beaten it yet, but I love the more "realistic" platforming! It has a lot of charm!

Thank you! It took quite a long time to complete, but I am pretty happy with it :)

(2 edits)

Ah! And you were so close, too! Apologies, it is not made super clear in the hint that the second plant needs to be fed as well (something I should maybe update post-jam). Thank you so much for playing. I hope you had some fun with it! :)

Thank you! :) It was super fun to make!

Haha, that makes me happy! I feel I am not as strong in music- so I always love to hear when someone enjoys one of my songs!

Ah, I'm glad to hear you got it!

I am really glad to hear you liked it! Also, thank you for the feedback! I didn't realize how many people used the arrow keys. I'll make a note to include them in my next Jam entry :)

I'm glad you liked it :)

If you decide to give it a second shot, that level has two plants to feed... But it's easy to accidentally burn the first one. That's likely where you got stuck. (In hind sight, that level may be a touch too tricky!)

Thank you so much for taking the time to play!

Thank you so much for your feedback! I was a bit weary on the difficulty of that particular level, but  I am super glad to hear you still enjoyed the game! Also, yeah. Pressing "up" is probably the most effective strategy :)

Thank you for the kind words! It was really fun experimenting with puzzles as I have rarely worked on games where that was necessary. I'm glad you liked it! :)