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Muscarian Softworks

A member registered Apr 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

graphics are really fantastic and I like the concept overall, I think, but the consequences of fight/trade/escape are not super clear, and it's not clear what's meant by the "cost" of these actions, what the numbers in the top left mean, and how many HP you have left, or how these things are related. i think there is an interesting game in there, though

Problem solved by just closing all other open apps 😎

I'll have to try it in DOSbox or on windows -- unfortunately on Mac, ctrl + arrow keys will "swipe" to other open apps which makes it difficult to play the web build.

748 out of 750 points.

very nicely done!

I enjoy the music and the VGA-style graphics for sure.

The title screen could benefit from some text like "press any key"

I found the collisions in the first level to be a bit off (projectile would hit the wall and disappear immediately if I  fired while standing just below a wall). 

There's also some possible issues with the second level -- I think there are supposed to be tiles for the background and some walls but only a grey background shows up and I run into the invisible walls. In addition the enemy got stuck at the bottom of the level at one point (see screenshot). I couldn't get past this part.

i'm in the "just one misstep" room, is this an intentional soft-lock of some kind because i can't figure out how to leave it.

(1 edit)

really enjoyed this in a museum/rambling blog kind of way, and as a bonus it reminded me i need to finish Citizen Sleeper some day. nice work.

edit: I think you should make the radio station game, I really like the idea of games scoped to a single location and job. for example Papers Please


Fantastic! It now works both on and on the netlify link you provided. Super appreciated. Also cool that it is open source.


Okay, sorry to spam further, but I am in an investigating mood and did find that the error seems to come from the "save" value being set after the game starts to something like

"1{@24}962{@24}55{@24}2{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}0{@24}…" (this repeats indefinitely for several kilobites of data)

and then it tries to load and parse this

My guess is that, if you're using a web-based game engine, this might be a weird bug that only occurs on Mac for some reason.

I see -- I gave it a minute or two  to load and it didn't seem to help. After popping open the developer console I see that it does load some assets over the first few seconds but then it spits out the following error:
VM8:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 1 (line 1 column 2

    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)

    at TN (index.js:3400:3313966)

    at index.js:3400:3313984


When I click on the link to the source code causing the errors, it is minified but appears to have something to do with saving or loading the game state:


const _N = ()=>({

    heros: [],

    effectsVolume: .1,

    musicVolume: .1,

    zoom: 430,

    progress: null


  , uc = localStorage.getItem("save")

  , TN = ()=>uc ? JSON.parse(uc) : _N() // this is the line with the problem

  , E0 = TN()

  , Nt = ()=>{

    localStorage.setItem("save", JSON.stringify(E0))


Not sure why this would happen - looks like TN is called and is trying to parse the save state from localStorage, or else it calls _N. My localStorage has no "save" property (I checked and it is null).

I'm not sure if this is game code or engine code and of course there's no obligation on you to fix this, I just thought I'd do some further testing and let you know what I found -- I discovered this game via one of the asset packs you used, which was cool to see btw.

For some reason, after clicking "Run Game", the canvas goes full-screen but nothing else happens, just a grey screen. This is on Chrome browser on Mac with an M1 chip (other web games seem okay)

Something is happening where the game's graphics are only taking up about 1/4 of the canvas on web. Chrome, MacOS with M1 chip. Fullscreen and resizing the window have no effect on this.

a 2015 mac.  i imagine i may be able to boot an older version of windows somehow but i've never had a ton of luck with doing that.

i don't have a windows machine at this moment but it's cool that you're using the King's Field engine

To add to the fun, I'm fairly certain the current Mac build will not work on M1/M2 Macs but only older Macs with Intel chips. 

I have access to an M1 machine that I can try to build it on soon, however.

this game made me a real boy

Awesome -- looking forward to trying this out

ahh that makes sense. Thank you for the reply, I'll try working around it so I can play the game 

Really great game here. Took a second for me to figure out the use of resources in the turn-based combat but then I really appreciated the game loop of drilling around for resources to use in battle. Not to say that I was any good at it. The animations and sound design were excellent as well. Great job.

I enjoyed the concept although it took a couple of plays to get the mechanics. Overall kind of relaxing for a competitive game. Would be cool to play with a person (non-AI). I also really liked the audio design and color palette. Nice work.

I couldn't really rate it since I couldn't get the browser version to get past the screen with the controls. I liked the intro music, though.

I think the game could use some clearer menu icons and transitions from menu to game to game-over and so on. As well as walking animations. These are pretty minor compared to the fact that you have a fun core concept to build on. The physics and controls feel nice to run around with as well.

I got wrecked by some green guy who could fly around in the bottom of a pit, also.

I really enjoyed this game's aesthetic. The art, animations, faux-CRT, etc., are all really great. The monster design is fun and creepy. Reminds me of Clock Tower a bit. Great job. I got ate up just after getting the bolt cutters.

more thoughts after watching the VOD of honest dan playing:

  • different background graphic for score screen when you survive vs. dying by hitting a platform vs. dying by hitting the ground
  • better sound volume during the game, or option to tweak volume(s)
  • more sense of progression throughout the fall, e.g. change in sounds or platform colors (there is a background noise about halfway through but it's probably far too subtle), more to the environment than the falling course so that you have landmarks
  • fix stuttering sound issue
  • fix mis-sized menus and backgrounds on large screens

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I like the idea of making the ground area a bit more interesting, I'll keep that in mind when I iterate on this. 

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I plan on changing the contrast issue once the jam is over -- I agree, you should be battling the physics, not your ability to see a platform. I may also tweak the physics in terms of being able to move a little more freely in the air; but the sense of impending doom when you miss too many platforms is also part of the game I suppose.

Thanks again!

Fun puzzle game. I did notice that the bonus tile seems buggy in that sometimes it will show up and then disappear right away instead of "shrinking" out of existence. Definitely more challenging than I expected and it would be cool to see this concept polished and expanded on.

I like the particle effects and the customization available. However it looks like some of the debug settings are left on in the web version (like FPS counter) and some of the graphics seem out-of-place. Overall a fun platformer that needs a little polish. The full version of Trigo Run will probably be very cool once it's done :thumbs-up:

Nice music/sfx, and straightforward otherwise. I'm not sure if there is more to the game beyond the flappybird-esque sequence because I keep dying within 30 seconds but I appreciated it nonetheless.

Oof, I really need to work on my memory skills. I couldn't save more than 2 robots in my first few playthroughs. Really cool game and seems polished as well.

Really enjoyable competitive puzzle game, at least once I figured out the rules somewhat. Love the NES graphics and sound.

I enjoyed the graphics and SFX, but unfortunately I picked level 6 at first (is that what the numbers are?) and could not get over the initial spikes. I died and could not restart. Fits the theme well and is a good puzzle/platformer concept overall.

I enjoy the art a lot, and the concept. Very challenging game. Seems like a good idea for a puzzle game and is on point for the theme. Unfortunately the web version crashed once, and it seems that the camera didn't follow the player as I went off screen.

Screenshot of error message in case that helps.

I died of cringe after only 5 days (once I started going up against more than one "opponent"). I like this take on JRPG-style "combat" and it could probably be fitted into a larger game, along with the calendar mechanic. The music and SFX were also on point. Great job.

I just noticed when re-reading this -- the numbering for the steps looks to be broken at the moment.

This is a great tutorial for getting started on a pixel art project -- thanks!

I have noticed that sometimes the game is very sped up in the web player. If the intro music is goofy-fast then you've ran into this bug. I'll post a devlog if I come across a fix besides refreshing the page.

I love the music, art, and concept here. Great work. Definitely could be a game on the SNES.