I sent you a message on x on march 5th about this assets pack. Can you reply?
Marcin Cieloch
Creator of
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I spend one hour on your game but I can't tell it will worth. After ten day I didn't have any finished plants, so I couldn't harvest it. I was very curious what happen after using pickaxe on big trunk (but I don't have bamboo stick). I don't like graphic style, hero house look very flat and sloppily drawn. In the inside was not better. The house have two grid of height, but wall near bed have only one. Maybe you should look how borders and interiors should be making. In many place I can move through tree or the z-index of field working wrong. I saw some information about level but my animals not level up ( IMO it will be better because player could fill growth) The dialog style of characters this first seller is very specific, soo for the people probably not for England or USA is hard to understand everything. The UI style not fit well to the other elements. I like fight system but it is default system from rpg maker. I think a catching animal is a plus of this game and I like it. I don't fill horror and farming theme really. It was a bug where the game move you to bed because you don't went sleep your animal not heal on the start of day. It only work when you use a bed. Playing with the mouse is horrible idea, if it possible in game maker maybe better turn it off. Also you can think of balance. I have raw meat, bought spicy for 11 coins, make "cooked meat" and can sell it for only 10. It will be better if the healing items tell in description how much heal. I'm very sad that I can't continue playing, which makes me feel like I'm wasting my time.
You made very unique and engaging game. Good job! I think the miniature doesn't show how games look. I though it will be 3D game. It will be nice if you can for example press spacebar and skip turn soo the wizard doesn't have to move. Probably you need to fix balance (it was too easy, too much money) and I had some problems with the camera when I clicked on seeds button and the first two seeds have other order (power turns) and other have (turn power) on the tooltip. Maybe it will be good if the player can only plant on the day. However I was spend great time in your game :)
I love the 3d models and the animations. The music fits well to atmosphere of the game. The dialogues was funny. I love this about adventure and knee :D I don't know how to get more seeds, I only had two and after harvested I had one per plant so I had two. I think the most annoying thing is how camera work. When I for example move forward by pressing 'W' from house to town, and then camera rotates, so I need to press 'S' button to move forward. It game is very solid base for more expansion :) Great job Godot's brothers :)
Thanks for your powerful feedback :)
We thought about more plants type, but deadline interrupted us :c We had great time making this dubbing, but also we were scared how people react. Now we now it was worth to make it. I will try your suggestion about text size, should be better :) We forgot remove dev fly mode, sorry.
Funny story, when we started this project I moved to bed and couldn't sleep! And bum! I had idea, It was like 1 AM, I should be sleeping but I took my phone and recorded all scenario to not forget next day :D
Good to see another dev who made in Godot. It was very hard to rate this prototype, because it not to much to do. Maybe this two youtubers can help you with your UI issue or to rise your skill. Great job for your first project. Keep up :)
I really try my best, but I don't know what I am doing in this game. Probably will be better with tutorial. I love the atmosphere and this scary moment when enemy showed behind you.
As for bugs that I found: Music randomly disregards volume settings and starts playing at 100%. Nose cone of the ship doesn't attach or I don't know how to attach it. When holding it and clicking on applicable part of the ship it just drops down. When I opened options in start screen and press close the menu didn't show so I need restart game. Please explain how to use ray gun.
Thank you for exhaustive feedback. Just what we wanted to hear. Now we know what we should fix or improve :D We had a problem with match the color of light and how it looks on game, sorry for that, but we will try to improve it :) We love the idea with drag drop building system. Also thank for suggesting of inventory key, after jam we will add options, like remaping keys or change sound volume.
I played for 14 days, got defeated many times and harvested some crops. It was a cool experience, but somewhat lacking. Found a bug when you dash over the small rock in front of the house you can go through the house walls. Day night cycle was too fast. Nice variety of enemies, couldn't defeat the golden one.
Definitely great job on modelling and creating the sounds for the game :)
Hi. The one way is to remove the data from web browser.
- Open the game page
- Click tle lock near page link
- Choose cookie or Clear cookies and side data (the different browser can have another way but very similar)
- Then site data
- Remove data drom embed page
- Refresh page
It is not very user friendly for now, sorry :c
Cool submission, first time I played any PICO-8 game. With this limitation it looks great. Farming mechanics was kinda lacking and I couldn't really farm because slimes seem to spawn pretty frequently. Also day night cycle seemed too fast. There were a few bugs, I couldn't talk with trading guy, walking diagonally was faster than in a straight line (classic normalized vector problem :D) Summary screen after dying was shown to me for like a second, also seems like a bug.
Fun game. I like the gardening system. That shows different stages on plant, watering and gather. The graphic style is ok, simple but fits well to the theme of game. I don't like night because this angel can destroy your work and it is not fun. I can't relax on it. I see the strong inspiration one of the game from youtube. I had a problems with the harvest plant the mouse click not every time wroking properly. Also I buy 40$ seed but then I realized it is for big pot and I can't put this soo I give it the frog, and wasted my money.
Great job for your first entry. Well build world and nice idea with flower quest. The player want to explore the all map. I saw few bugs, like the problem with GUI on wide screens, rain from top bar and the tools only working from sides. The graphics can be more uniform like the character is different than other npc, the dog is in yet another style. It will be better if player can change tools by for example numbers on keyboard and hold space for gather. Nice to see dialog system with option :)
You are welcome :)
Nice to hear that :) What game you made now? If you finish send me a link please. I will gladly play.
My game, I thought about it after jam, made some changes but I dont feel it. I have no idea what direction the game should go.
After last Ludum Dare (where I made action game with two my friends from job) I started new project. It will be turn based strategy game. If you want check how it's going here I shared some video https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/143s9m4/i_am_working_on_my_new_hex_turn_...
I would love to hear your opinion if you have time of course :)
Hi, sorry I am only now writing back :c Thanks for your message, cool that you remembered. <3
I just played your game, good job. The difficulties of game raising per level. I like new idea. Nice that the game saves the state :) I have today more time than after Gamejam so I can spend more time and figuring out the puzzles. Like I said before, I suck in logic game, that's why I'm all the more happy :3
If I can suggest something, maybe try to add keyboard arrow in the levels where you have arrows button (left/right,up/down). The same for alien language, add all keyboard (without some letters). Also I had moment where I dont't know that I can comeback to menu. Maybe add some message on the left corner with information "press esc to back" or something.
Do you plan to develop the game further?