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A member registered Nov 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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I love this on so many levels. I played by myself but this obviously works as a co-op game. The deep voiced monkey is hilarious every time he emotes. The tone/atmosphere of the game was honestly perfect.
Legitimately my only gripe was that I had to use CTRL keys and couldn't use Shift. 
I'll be sharing this with friends.

Really enjoying the concept. One of the more intriguing things is taking abilities at the determent of yourself to negatively affect the clones (slow speed). That could  end up making some really interesting scenarios for player decisions. Did you play around with the idea of limiting how many abilities can be equipped at once?

The level immediately following the gaining of the dash ability is near impossible. The AI seems to have no rhyme or reason to be doing anything, just dashing and jumping everywhere. I think cutting down the number of enemies and going into a very decision trees (patrolling, rushing vs ranged attacking, etc) could really make them feel like a threat rather than a chaotic force of nature.
Also had a bit of a bug when I used dash for the first time. Couldn't use any other abilities until I died and re-spawned.

Attacks have a swipe sound but no hit. Adding hit sounds and bit of screen shake could really add a lot to how the hit feels.

I can tell a lot of love went into the art. If you choose to continue working on the project I think there's a lot of cool stuff here.

(1 edit)

This was wild. I love the voice lines, making it feel like you're really in an online game. 
Feels good 2 clutch, lets goooooo
I hope you continue development

Cool setting/concept. I found myself letting go of the charge before it was fully set up and having to start over, maybe decrements instead of resetting to zero?
Few visual communication issues, I wasn't entirely sure what was hostile and what was friendly on screen.
To me it looks like when the player is flying across the screen they're in a sliding position, so maybe having some sort of combo/reward for shooting/traversing the map before the player stands up would add to the experience, and keep players from playing too safe 

Music way hyype, did you make that as well?
 Gameplay was fun. I found myself trying to jump between platforms with space, wonder if that's just a person hiccup  or something that could be taught through level design.
Great time + leaderboards!

Thank you for the feedback, Glad you enjoyed!

Howling seems to be a standard reaction x)
Thanks for playing!

Good stuff here! The difficultly ramp is very high, but I like to view gamejam games as more proof of concept, so this works very well.

Only one major hiccup area for me, the 2nd triangle corridor, if I hadn't set up the angle right was a tad unforgiving, but having readily available  check points helped this be such a big deal.

If you continue working on this project, definitely give new mechanics time to breath and player to get familiar with them. Some interesting level design and touch support and I could see that doing great on mobile