Latest version (Play Store Beta, that is. 29011518) seems to have a bug where I instantly lose the Hot Start multiplier as soon as the level starts (when I first touch to move the paddle).
Recent community posts
Ah, for some reason I didn't notice it increased over time, though it only went up per wave and with some effects. Makes sense.
One more thing, what exactly counts as "ace a whole zone" for the ship unlock? I thought I had a run where I had "flawless" on every wave in first zone (I assume you get that for not taking hp damage) but it didn't unlock. Of course I might have missed something, but it's also possible I'm misunderstanding the condition.
Really fun game, but noticed a few issues.
For one, the upgrade that makes last few blocks explode is off-by-one. It's first level does nothing, second level breaks one last block, third level breaks two, etc.
Two, sometimes I get those like "light paths" when bouncing the ball but I have no idea what they are supposed to be. If they are meant to show the balls predicted path, then they are basically always incorrect.
Third, I think the runs are a bit too short.
This is playing on the F-droid version.
I think I broke something. I have both the "Are you certain?" and "Uphill battle" lines open (along with their followups), which seems narratively wrong since they have contradicting events (especially "We have a name" and "Who is this guy" which are just different versions of the same event kinda). One of the lines ended in "Dawn raid", the other in "Who is this guy". I'm worried this will break something in other parts of the story.
I downloaded it through the itch desktop app, and when starting I get:
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross-Origin Isolation - Check that the web server configuration sends the correct ehaders.
SharedArrayBuffer - Check that the web server configuration sends the correct headers.
Notably, the web version works fine.
Of course they are random. I mean that the results should be auto-sorted after rolling.
I find "identifying streaks" to be a really stupid skill to check, especially since if this was a physical game I could just sort the dice. The skill is in deciding whether try to push for a streak or for a different combinations.
If you don't want to auto-sort them after rolling (as 99% of games will do. Even most TTS tables for Dice Throne, which this is basically a clone of, have that functionality) then at least allow the player to drag them to sort them. Otherwise it's a very artificial annoyance that brings nothing to the game.
Or changing genres a bit, look at Balatro. It's poker-based, so identifying streaks is "part of the mechanics" but since it's a no-brainer that you can sort cards in your hand irl, Balatro gives you a button to sort them by suit or value (and also you can move them manually if that helps you).
Don't you mean /DefaultCompany/HolderOfPlace XD.
Here is the log from a clean run where I start the game and enter the tutorial. (I admit I did then quit through esc accidentally instead through normal quit, but that shouldn't be a problem).
To me it looks like an issue with regional settings, specifically number formatting. Perhaps it doesn't like the Polish use of "," as decimal separator or something like that (Though changing that separator to "." doesn't seem to fix it). I assume the browser version doesn't have this issue due to one more degree of separation from the system where the browser mitigates it in some way.
Mono path[0] = 'E:/Games/Itch/Games/holder-of-place/V15.5_Win/HolderOfPlace_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = 'E:/Games/Itch/Games/holder-of-place/V15.5_Win/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Initialize engine version: 2021.1.7f1 (d91830b65d9b)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path E:/Games/Itch/Games/holder-of-place/V15.5_Win/HolderOfPlace_Data/UnitySubsystems
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1; jobified=0
Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 (ID=0x13c0)
Vendor: NVIDIA
VRAM: 4053 MB
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
- Completed reload, in 2.350 seconds
D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding.
<RI> Initializing input.
<RI> Input initialized.
<RI> Initialized touch support.
UnloadTime: 0.555200 ms
Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
UnloadTime: 1.943300 ms
FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.ParseSingle (System.String value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles options, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo numfmt) [0x00083] in <a1e9f114a6e64f4eacb529fc802ec93d>:0
at System.Single.Parse (System.String s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info) [0x00000] in <a1e9f114a6e64f4eacb529fc802ec93d>:0
at System.Single.Parse (System.String s) [0x0000b] in <a1e9f114a6e64f4eacb529fc802ec93d>:0
at ADV.KeyBase.Translate (System.String OriKey, System.Single& Value) [0x00014] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.KeyBase.Translate (System.String OriKey) [0x00000] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.KeyBase.ChangeKey (System.String Key, System.Single Value) [0x00028] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.KeyBase.SetKey (System.String Key, System.Single Value) [0x0000a] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.Mark.SetKey (System.String Key, System.Single Value) [0x00006] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.Card.SetKey (System.String Key, System.Single Value) [0x0000e] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.CombatControl.SetCoreLife (System.Single Value) [0x0001a] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.CombatControl.LevelInfoIni () [0x0000c] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.CombatControl.Awake () [0x00000] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.ParseSingle (System.String value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles options, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo numfmt) [0x00083] in <a1e9f114a6e64f4eacb529fc802ec93d>:0
at System.Single.Parse (System.String s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info) [0x00000] in <a1e9f114a6e64f4eacb529fc802ec93d>:0
at System.Single.Parse (System.String s) [0x0000b] in <a1e9f114a6e64f4eacb529fc802ec93d>:0
at ADV.KeyBase.Translate (System.String OriKey, System.Single& Value) [0x00014] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.KeyBase.Translate (System.String OriKey) [0x00000] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.KeyBase.HasKey (System.String Key) [0x00015] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.Mark.HasKey (System.String Key) [0x00006] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.Card.UpdateRenderMods () [0x00061] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.Card.UpdateRenderSkills () [0x000e0] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
at ADV.Card.Awake () [0x002ca] in <ba2670449241401d8062c81fce0b8edb>:0
Unloading 20 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 68611.
Total: 74.812600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.911000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.495600 ms MarkObjects: 67.299900 ms DeleteObjects: 0.105600 ms)
Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten.
Thread -> id: 19f4 -> priority: 1
Thread -> id: 184c -> priority: 1
Regarding fullscreen, I was thinking something along the lines of UI always being in corner/edges and the UI/Tiles size being constant, just when you make the window bigger/full more tiles fit. Kind how the app behaves when you resize the window - everything stays the same size, you can just fit less/more.
But I assume this type of flexibility is not easy, especially without existing framework.
Hmm, that seems to just add a black frame around the game to make it full screen (as in the UI doesn't move to the edges, etc.). I guess it's somewhat better than stretching at least.
btw. love the game, even though I'm dogshit at it. Still kinda miss the time when each relic got different abilities and you picked two elements.. I get why it was changed, but it gave you so many starting options.
After playing with Bloop a little more I can see that it's working, the inertia is just that extreme. I think toning it down a little bit might be a good idea since currently I feel hardly in control at all.
For the drawing, I don't think highlights will solve the issue. If I have a line basically "colored over" to the point it's not visible and it's not detected as drawn then a highlight will only tell me to re-scribble the same area over and over and count on luck. It kinda looks like there might be some bug with detection, since some lines disappear when you vaguely draw near them, and other are extremely persistent to the point where I had to resort to randomly scribbling nowhere near them to move on.
And since improving detection might be hard, a manual "move on" button would be a nice stopgap measure, and might even just be a temporary measure. Alternatively have it move after some time/some time spent without drawing or something like that.
I have trouble controlling Bloop. He moves so slowly I'm not even sure if he is moving towards my cursor, or just doesn't accept input.
Am I supposed to hold something, or should he just move towards the cursor like Bubba?
Also I have gotten stuck multiple times in the drawing minigame, where I've already drawn so much that I can't even see the lines, but it's still not accepting it as valid and I'm stuck scribbling around until it accepts. If better detection is a problem, maybe just a button in a corner to "force progress" when you are satisfied, since currently it's extremely frustrating.
Other than that, I love it. It's cute as hell and entertaining. Also reminds me of various "desktop pets" so it's kinda nostalgic.
Would it be possible to add vsync or frame limiter? The game runs at ridiculous fps and heats up my gpu unnecesairly.
EDIT: I managed to force vsync using nvidia control panel.
No save/load seems like a big deal.
EDIT2: Even with vsync the game uses way more gpu than it should for how it looks. You might want to look into that.
The game just closes after finishing second level, and if I start it back again and press L (to load) it closes again.
Any ideas what might be the problem?
(happens both in fulscreen and in window)
EDIT: This might be related to the problem that was mentioned earlier, since I have my language settings set to Polish (well, the system is in english, but the "format" settings are polish), which uses comma as decimal separator, but I thought that was fixed already.
EDIT2: Can confirm that changing the separator fixed it. So I guess that patch didn't fix it on the game side.