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A member registered Feb 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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I like the falling animation too :P

Also yes, I've used the "AAP-64" palette for the entirety of the tileset.

Thank you!

I'm glad you liked it!

Great game! The visuals fitted well together and I really liked the hand drawn look. Would make for a really cool mobile game.

I feel guilty for not playing this earlier :)

Thank you for the feedback!

Yeah I could've made the titanium plates a little more visible and for the cursor I just wanted to add something to fit the theme kind of. I'll look into the "coyote time" - I think it's a really good idea.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Yeah dying is a bit annoying, but if the game was easier it would be over pretty quickly!

Thank you! I do too.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

I hope to continue working on this game a bit post-jam.

Thank you very much!

Thank you! Yeah dying is very annoying, but since the game is so short I felt like I kind of needed to make it harder so it wouldn't be over in a minute. I might add some kind of checkpoint-system though!

I'm glad you liked it!

Really fun game once you get the hang of it!

Took me a while before I fully understood what was going on, but when I did, oh boy! I like how you interpreted the theme and I think the idea and mechanics are really good. I agree with sol games - some music would be cool.

I still had a lot of fun playing though! Great game!

I'm glad you liked it!

Yes, I really need to reduce the screen shake a bit. Someone else suggested changing the screen shake depending on the weapon and I'll implement it when I have the time.

I should change the reload time too. I wanted the sniper to have piercing bullets, but I didn't really have the time so I just left it. I will try to balance the weapons as soon as possible!

Thank your for the feedback, appreciated!

Yes, the rocket launcher is really overpowered and I need to change that in some way.

I'm sorry about the bug, it shouldn't appear like that. I am planning on switching to godot, but construct 3 is just so fast and easy to use, so we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, thank you for the reply!

Thank you for the feedback! Reducing screen-shake on lighter weapons and then crank it up once you get to more heavy artillery is a really good idea and I'll try to add it as soon as possible.

Giving the enemies guns would probably improve the gameplay too, since instead of just mindlessly running around and maybe sometime avoid danger, you'd actually have to dodge enemy attacks.

Both great ideas, thank you for the reply!

Wow! I love your take on the theme and I think you nailed the sound design and atmosphere. Making a game in complete darkness sounds next to impossible to me, and you managed to pull it off so well! However...

I think that the echolocation-cooldown could be a little shorter. Either that or increasing the area affected because right now I found myself taking a step, then checking for dangers, taking a step, then checking for dangers, and so on.

Other then that, the gameplay is unique and really enjoyable.

I really hope that you continue to develop this game.


Will do!

Thank you so much for your reply! I agree about both the music and the rpg and your idea about enemies spawning throughout the wave is really good, since right now the best strategy is just to wait for the enemies to group up and then kill them all in a blast :P

Feedback received!

The "quit" button kinda screwed up so, sorry...