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A member registered Mar 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Good job. Art looked great and the gameplay and camera movement were smooth. Some variation in enemy types or an indicator on which ones were beefier would have been my only suggestion. Overall good implementation of the theme and great job on the game :). 

Great game! Good proof of concept to a broader idea and very impressive that this was your first game and you managed to do original art, code, and music. I found myself wanting to move with the beat of the music and had fun with that self imposed rule. You made a solid puzzle game and an accidental rhythm game. I enjoyed it. 

Great game. The controls took a minute to adapt to but quickly became part of the charm. I extinguished the bird but only saved one house in town, whoops :). 

I loved it! Simple concept with great execution. The boss fight was creative and engaging. And the powerups were hilarious and well planned. On the first tiny cheese level I found myself wanting enemy piercing snot and then my next powerup was exactly that. Had fun with this one. 

Very impressive first game. Great job getting it made and submitted. It took me 3 minutes before I figured out where and how to plant strawberries XD. Maybe a sign or indicator would make it more clear. I became a strawberry harvesting fool after that.  I found myself planting them far apart to try and stem the infection. The towers were a good addition to add a little more strategy to the mix. 

Hilarious execution! The blob physics and concept of movement were really fun. I couldn't master the art of using momentum in liquid mode though. I kept recombining in areas I didn't want to. One of my favorite games so far the gameplay, aesthetic, and comedy factors stand out.   

This should be the mission statement of all game jams haha. "Is this the game I thought it would be? No. Did I make something? Yes." Good game. The art style was awesome and the music was nice and calm. And I love that you could pet them as well. Good job.

Great game! The concept of spreading ashes, spreading fire tied into the theme well. The lighting and glow effects stood out the most to me as an excellent design choice. The attack feedback felt great as well. 

I liked it! I think A La Mode is a funny interpretation of the theme and have seen it in a few other entries. I never would have thought of it XD. The simplified graphics went well with the them and the music was spot on. Good job.

Good game! Great interpretation of the theme by combining 2 classic game modes. Some classic tunes would have been nice to go along with it, but regardless this was fun :).

This was really good! I was genuinely confused at first, did they just remaster a favorite childhood game? Ha. The level design was very clean and allowed the player to use abilities in creative ways. Fun interpretation of the theme. 

Great job! Fun concept. It seems like you can only mode swap from certain areas. Making those areas look a little different may help the player. Great job on getting this submitted :) 

Good job! This game had a fun retro vibe to it. If you decide to expand it, I think adding abilities that cost charge to use would be pretty cool.

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Fun Game! I made it 8 rounds before I made it impossible for myself :). Interesting concept and interpretation of the theme.  I found myself torn between making it easy and challenging at the same time.

Great game! Unique concept, I think it would play well coupled with some sort of tactical/turn based world building. I'm impressed with how many unique scenarios you came up with!

Good job! Making the walls grow after every powerup was a good idea. It forces the player to think strategically.

Good job! Art work is fun and the controls are simple and responsive. I think your being a bit cheeky with the infinite game MODE theme. Good job on the jam entry!

Who doesn't like a rhythm game. :) I had to watch your youtube playthrough before I understood the dynamic. But I was able to clear the  game after that! Fun concept and good song. 

Good job! Artwork was really cool and the concept was interesting. I love a good time attack game. The controls definitely call for a mastery I do not have though haha. All in all, good submission :).

Fun game! I really enjoyed the beat drop haha. The art was fun as well. The camera was a bit jittery, but overall was a good job.

Good game. I really like the art style and the Animal Crossing-like text sound effect. Mode switching being mapped to Q and E gave me a bit of trouble because I kept letting go of the direction keys.  

This is an excellent interpretation of the theme. The game is simple and well executed and the Tetris mechanic allows for you to solve puzzles in unique ways. I can't explain why, but playing this game sent me back to the "Math Rescue" game series XD.

Good game with a fun retro art style and soundtrack. Keep at it! Also, was the salamander's name Barney? 

Wow! Had fun with this one. The art style mixed with the animations was hilarious. The boss fashion models gave me a laugh as well. Good call to give extra lives on death, that ensures that anyone who wants to see the end can without have to dedicate their lives to beating a jam game. My feedback would be to have a sound effect when the apple spawns sometimes I was concentrating on dodging and didn't realize it had shown up. 

Fun game! It was well polished and the level design was thoughtful on how it progressed easing you into things. One of my favorites so far.  I will say the picture in picture style of the game screen gave me a bit of vertigo at first XD.

Impressive game. You packed a lot of unique gameplay into one game. The arrow keys for controls triggered me a bit though haha. I want a full DDR Slug spin off please. 

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you nailed exploration and problem solving. I am absolutely devastated that everyone died and it was all my fault.   Would have been nice to give the player a respawn option if they fail the final boss.

It looks like you had a lot of fun making this one. Great job. 

Fun game! It definitely delivered  on the "difficult but addicting". Also funny train of though on how your game relates to the Jam theme.  

Great game! Fun interpretation of the theme and a well polished final product. A couple ideas for future levels would be unique terrain interactions with frog mode and bullet mode similar to how anvil mode can crush things.

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Excellent feedback :). I feel like the potential is there for a hybrid game like this. It just needs to be workshopped. Wish I had time to make a tutorial to explain how to hop into turn based mode. Shoot 5 grenades(roll 5 dice), press F.  The artist is the star of the show here.

Thanks for the feedback on UI clipping. I changed the upload settings so you can play in full screen now.

Hopefully we get news soon.

Thanks! I'll check it out :)

Great job :). The aesthetic is perfect and clean. The characters and cutscenes had personality to them. The concept of the movement was interesting but maybe a bit tricky for beginners. This was fun and I would love to see more of it!

Nice game!. The concept was spot on with the theme of the jam. The movement felt good.  

This is cool! I could see this being expanded to a full game easily. Having a buffer would be nice so that your actions would execute on time in case you gave them early.  It was fun and worth the time played for sure. :)

Good job! I safely guided my naked dwarfman to the ladder.  Short and simple jam game. I liked it :).

Good game! Everything is very polished. Wish you could have tied the theme into it story wise or other. Fun game good job. :)

Good job on the entry. I challenged my self to lay the directions down in real time rather than send the bird a few steps ahead.  Glad to see you tied in the theme of the jam haha.