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A member registered Feb 28, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hey. Thanks for playing, you're too kind. I don't think any of my other games touch on similar themes, at least not so explicity.

Great little jam game and a cool interpretation of the theme. Everything seems very polished - love the visual style and the audio works well. The only thing is that it seems to be... uh... maybe a little too hard for me to complete so some sort of difficulty variation would be appreciated! :)

(1 edit)

I really like the core mechanic here and it's a great interpretation of the theme. It forces you to not spam one type of attack and to consider which attack is best for what enemy type and what order you should engage them in. Nicely done! :)

Thanks for playing

(1 edit)

Yes, the gun was definitely inspired by Metroid Prime! Thanks for playing and for your feedback. :)

Yup, the repair mechanic definitely needs to be clearer! You just hold down the R key and if you have Energy it will be converted at a certain rate into Integrity. The conversion rate is upgradeable. Thanks for playing!

I'm not sure how much further I'll develop this idea but at the very least I'll probably do some sort of post-jam version of it with various fixes and small enhancements. Yeah, you're completely right about repairing. There was meant to be a more obvious indication on the UI that repairing was happening but it was one of the smaller things that remained unticked on the to-do list at submission time! And, yes, there were also meant to be two other enemy types but again I just ran out of time. Thanks for playing! :)

Yeah, I had originally planned for more airborne enemy types which I think would have made the jetpack more useful but it was just a case of running out of time. I'm not sure yet whether I'll develop the idea much further but there's certainly lots of options for adding more variety. At one point I was going to have different fire modes for the gun but that got cut very early on to keep the scope manageable. Thanks for playing!

I'm surprised to hear you were always nearly running out of energy - I'm assuming you were using the other abilities quite a lot. I did wonder whether to have shooting be a 'free' action but ultimately I figured it fit the consequences theme better to have it cost energy. You also can't actually ever completely run out of energy as it does recharge by itself (just very slowly). Thanks for playing!

I actually had originally planned two more enemy types which would have both been airborne. Unfortunately I simply ran out of time to get them in. And, yeah, completely agree about the font. It's just the Godot default font! I regret not finding a few moments to change it up but at the time it didn't seem like the priority! Thanks for playing and for your feedback. :)

Great to hear! Thanks for playing. :)

(2 edits)

Really glad to hear it felt good to you - that was one of my primary aims. Thanks for playing!

What a visually stunning game, amazing job! It also sounds great too. Gameplay loop is simple but solid and fits the theme well. Overall it's just an awesome jam game.

Thanks for playing!

Great to hear! Thanks for playing. 🙂

A really lean, polished entry with all the elements being consistent and in harmony with each other. Both of the 'shoot back' mechanics are cool and rewarding to use. Fun little game! No complaints. :)

Cool game! First off the visuals are top notch and the audio fits well. The upgrade system works great and it was genuinely interesting to see how they could enhance your moveset or provide another useful utility. I particularly like how there's actually more options in the movement than there intially seems because of how 'bouncy' it is and how small your hitbox is - like I was able to go under the water to avoid enemies travelling across the surface. Only issue I came across is I think it's possible to accidentially skip through the end screen showing how many waves you survived as it seemed to disappear instantly for me so I didn't even know what the number was. :(

(1 edit)

Didn't think I'd see Bullet Hell combined with logic puzzles but here we are! Nicely done. It's a cool idea to have a more 'chill' section in a BH game and a good implementation of the theme. The minimalist graphics work well and the sounds and music choice all go together great. My only gripes are that I wish the clues from the chests didn't disappear when destroyed and inverted controls in this kind of game is maybe too harsh a consequence!

(2 edits)

Part of me sort of likes that you were initially confused when the first battle started as that fits very well thematically! However maybe there should be a short instructional message that first time just to clarify what the player is meant to do.

Yeah, variation in the environment and non-interactable props is something I really wanted to include but unfortunately ran out of time for. I note you don't mention the map. I do hope you were using it as otherwise you were definitely playing the game on hard mode!

Regarding clicking in the battles, there is indeed a cooldown as indicated by the cursor/crosshair animating and this is intentional design to limit the player's power as otherwise it becomes very trivial (and can also devolve into a pure dexterity game of who can click the fastest which I wanted to avoid). I don't think I would want to default allow the holding of the button to place blocks as I think you'd lose something with the less direct player input and no longer having a one click, one block relationship. It also runs the risk of being frustrating if blocks are placed unintentionally. However I guess something like that could be an accessibility option.

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Incredible graphics and atmosphere but I'm a sucker for this 3D pixel art aesthetic anyway. :)  I think your sanity drains frustratingly quickly. I felt like there was a mismatch between the atmosphere which said to me 'be cautious' but then the meter is saying 'dash about like a madman'. I really dug the lock picking minigame, super simple idea but works well. Movement-wise I missed being able to hold keys for continuous movement. Also, unsure whether this is intentional but I completed the game on my third try but never had an encounter with any enemies. Overall, really enjoyed playing this one. :)

Everything is really cohesive here and it's very 'complete' for a jam game. The setting and back story is interesting and the graphics really add to the overall mood. I did find the combat a bit dull and repetitive but I'll be the first to admit I'm not the biggest fan of JRPG style combat so it might just be me! Random thing I noticed is the UI would show 'Open (Enter key)' on doorways that you could just walk through seamlessly. Finally I have to mention that the battle music is an absolute jam - love it! Really solid entry. :)

Cool! Yeah, in my original plan there was actually another type of item you could collect that would allow you to build an unbreakable block but alas it ended up on the cutting room floor due to time limitations. I like the idea of little 'helpers' building blocks as well! Thanks for playing. :)

Nice one! Yup, the battles are certainly intended to be stressful. Thanks for playing :)

I really like the environment graphics and the theming is cool. It's a shame the monster isn't also a 3D model, I think that would make the whole thing a lot more cohesive. Sound is good but I did miss having some sort of music or ambience. There seemed to be some technical issues with the monsters - I was sometimes able to move through them and I swear they are able to do their ranged attack through walls! Overall a good entry that I enjoyed playing.

Thanks for playing. Yeah, in my original plan there was going to more complex interactivity than 'find key, open door' but unfortunately the scope had to be cut down quite severely so I could finish in time!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks again for playing! It was super helpful to watch someone playing it live. :)

Such a unique set of characters and setting for the game. I especially enjoyed the dialogue between them all. Graphics, sound and music are all good and cohesive, creating a memorable atmosphere. You already know about the shortcomings of the battle system. At the very least I feel like there needs to be more feedback regarding taking damage. I noticed an issue where it's possible to turn away from an enemy just as you are engaged in combat or indeed be engaged in combat from the side, so the enemy cannot be seen. Overall a solid entry and a great idea for a dungeon crawler.

Yes, the objective is indeed behind the Level 3 doors. So glad I got the minimap in, you're not the first to mention how essential it is! Thanks for playing. :)

(3 edits)

Play right now:

It's In My Head! is a classic grid-based first-person dungeon crawler in a sci-fi setting with random encounters that play as reverse Breakout-style battles against an alien entity that is trying to destroy your mind.

Earl-Caldwell Research Station has been infested by the Void Entity it was built to study and must be destroyed. Find the reactor room and overload the core. Prepare for the entity's psychic attacks.

There is around 15-30 minutes of gameplay and it was made over 9 days for the Dungeon Crawler Jam 2024.

Graphics and sound contribute to a great overall horror atmosphere, with the music being particularly effective. Maybe it could have been a little less dark or the doors should be more obvious, at one point I struggled to find one. I was not expecting typing based combat but it worked well. The UI felt a little intrusive to me, maybe it could have been a bit smaller. I also found it a bit jarring that you can walk into the space occupied by some of the larger props. The one thing I didn't understand was what stats were being used to add bonuses to dice rolls and how you could affect them. I assume it's something to do with the items you pick up but it was unclear to me. In conclusion though I enjoyed it and it's a solid game.

A very charming entry, from the graphics to the humour to the music. It all worked really well together. And then, there was solid tactical combat layered on top which was great. I missed being able to continuously move when holding down a key and I found it jarring knocking against a locked door to see a flash of what was behind it. Also, at the very beginning the purple wall section seems to go back over itself in an impossible way - unsure whether that is intentional.

First off I'm in love the visuals here, just really great. Overall atmosphere is excellent, creating a really cohesive vibe. The world is intriguing and I wanted to know more about it, helped along by the writing. Also the game is just generally polished and complete. Great job for a jam game.

Shut up Jil! Though I see she is part of the theme... Graphics are good and the overall atmosphere works well. Combat could have done with at least some more sounds. I think I got stuck in the same place others have.

Thanks for playing. Yeah, variation in the environment is the one thing I had to cut that I really wish I'd have had time for!

Thanks for playing and your feedback. :)

Thanks for playing. Yeah, the minimap was a fairly late addition when I realised that it would be extremely hard for someone who hadn't designed the level to navigate without it. Certainly glad I got it in there!

Thanks for playing! :)

Thanks for playing! :)