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A member registered May 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yes youre right, can I re submit?

One of the best games I played this jam, amazing creativity. Hope you win, nothing to improve honestly.

Nice game, very interesting concept.

Will work on it, thanks!

Hey, thanks, will do it and update you when I can. Thanks for the comment.

Hi, thanks, will try to update it as fast as I can although will be busy the next couple of days. But will let you know.

For me the winner, very good, reminds me of the early 90s games. Too bad color cant be done in this jam.

If you put animations on it it gets better, some nice stuff here.

Theres potential in this game, keep it up and improve it, I can see good stuff.

Really enjoyed the game, feels like if it gets some good graphics and some faster mechanics like a time or move constraint or something gets really good. Keep on it.

Really enjoyed the game, feels like if it gets some good graphics and some faster mechanics like a time or move constraint or something gets really good. Keep on it.

Theres a problem with the code and can only be played once and the second time it goest out of memory. 

Will upload the new version when I can.

Nice game.

Awesome game, you deserve to win the competition. Which engine did you use?

Nice game, could have a bigger screen.

Ok, its because Im using MinGW compiler and forgot to put it there as I have it on my pc already.

Nice game bro. Could be cool to change the controls from time to time to make it more hard to control.

True, it was done in a hurry, I would definetly think the same.

Which one? I can play it fine in my computer.

First game I published. Contains a bug when changing controls.

Great concept bro, awesome game.