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A member registered Jun 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Don't listen to what the others say, VN are video games. it was fun

i didnt go very far, but the concept seem interesting, adding complexity by showing stats for the character and giving stats requirement to each quest and allowing the player to recruit new characters could be push the player to develop strategy around specializing certains hero in certain type of quest

the pixel art is pretty good.

the game is a bit hard and with the speed of the character being this slow it's long to replay the part you previouwly passed. a checkpoint in the middle of the level would have help (but the level isn't that long so it's still beatable).

the most original take on the theme. and the game is pretty funny too.


it's always nice to play a game of tetris. you could probably improve the player experience by adding effet when the player completes a line and more effect when he completes a tetris (4 lines in one mouve). Also it's more fun to give 100 points when a player does something that to give 1 point, so having two 0 at the end of the score can make the game more rewarding even if it's impossible to gain less that 100 points at a time.

that was really cute

i got 9 125 044 600 points

le jeu crash si on reste trop longtemps sur la page de tuto, mais si on entre dans le jeu ça marche bien.

commençon par le négatif, le tuto nest pas très clair et crée plus de confusion qu'autre chose, et le saut n'est pas très naturel. c'est tout.

les graphismes sont plutôt sympatique.

le concept du jeu est vraiment intéressant, la gestion des nains est compliqué au début sans mais la partie dure sufisament de temps pour que l'on maitrise cet aspect avant la fin. ça aurait tout de même été agréable d'avoir une jauge indiquant la complétion de la statue pour pouvoir déveloper des stratégie un peu plus poussé.

on peut façilement imaginer le jeu s'agrandir avec plusieurs niveau ayant chacun des disposition diférentes et un nombre de nains qui varie.