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A member registered Jun 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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Why the fuck are all the Golden Sigma pages quarantined

Thank you for playing!

At parts during development I kinda worried about the sound volume, though didn't think about it too much bcuz I turned the volume of my computer down. What is your computer's default volume? Also this is the first time I find out that there is a keyboard that has Z on a completely different placement lol

Neat! Very Mega Man inspired I can see

Ayy no problemo!

Uh oh. Yeah I did encounter something where the player character does get a bit weird when colliding with both turning gears, but I didn't feel like fixing it bcuz I felt there was more important to deal with and I needed to get it out. But thanks for pointing it out!

Thank you very much! My advice for the chain part in stage 2, you can whip right after you hop off the chain, but time it quickly

Thank you! Also, much like arcade NES games like it, you press the select button to select the 2 player mode

When I saw that title I immediately got tokusatsu vibes. This game is like a cool mix of Mega Man, Zelda II and Metroid! Very neat. Wish there was more music though, the overworld felt pretty empty bcuz of it

Oooohhhh yes this is it!! Very creative to make a game based on those crappy bootleg multicart games, though this one is way more high quality than those. Graphics are very nice here! They break away from usual only three colors per sprite/tile that the NES is known for but they're still very nice. Music here is neat as well! Presentation is also very cool, I love the Game Boy cartridge looking border around the browser version on the itch page

I was going into this with rather high expectations, because the graphics here are very nice and NES accurate! However, the actual gameplay... isn't very good. The player character is rather frustrating to control, he has the physics of a bar of soap and slips off edges causing me to fall to my death. Enemy collision isn't very good either, I got softlocked on a wolf and had to restart the game. Getting hurt doesn't really feel like it hits either, you kinda just bounce off it (or collide with it like it's a wall). Wasn't a huge fan of the music either, rather barebones, sounds like there's only two channels being used.

Overall, quite disappointed with this one, there is room for improvement though, it's mainly the physics that bring this one down

Ayy thanks! What don't you like about the enemy dying sound though? Is it too high pitched? Also I would've added getting extra lives but 

1. Was running out of time

2. I don't fully know how it works in those games so idk how I would program it lol

Thank you!!

I don't think those are hardware accurate

Cool! Could I hear examples of your work?

Are you able to work with programs like Famitracker?

NES Jam community · Created a new topic Simple question uhh

Are we allowed to use sound effects from other NES games, or do they have to be completely original?

Mash the jump button

I like this. Quite enjoyed my time with it. Maybe less so with the last few levels but idk i dont like to think

Interesting little game. Like the use of the "Risk and reward" mechanic

I played the patch, and yeah that's better

Cute little game


I really wanted to like this one but the controls are so frustrating, mainly with the walljump

Good job

Winner of the jam for me tbh

Well alright

Okay but the jam hasn't started yet

better rhythm game than friday night funkin

Good as usual man


fuck yeah he is

the nes bootleg version?

"our game"
