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I was going into this with rather high expectations, because the graphics here are very nice and NES accurate! However, the actual gameplay... isn't very good. The player character is rather frustrating to control, he has the physics of a bar of soap and slips off edges causing me to fall to my death. Enemy collision isn't very good either, I got softlocked on a wolf and had to restart the game. Getting hurt doesn't really feel like it hits either, you kinda just bounce off it (or collide with it like it's a wall). Wasn't a huge fan of the music either, rather barebones, sounds like there's only two channels being used.

Overall, quite disappointed with this one, there is room for improvement though, it's mainly the physics that bring this one down


Thank you for your comment!

I did spend a considerable amount off time working to make the game look like an NES game, but it is unfortunate that this led to disappointment for you.  In any case, thank you for playing my game, I really appreciate it!

Ayy no problemo!