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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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More levels are planned in a post-jam update, the idea we had was slightly overscoped and we didn't have time to implement in more floppy disc and more levels

Pretty solid game with a nice unique use of the limitation! I wish there was more to play and some chill ambient cave music- otherwise it's a pretty nice game!

Your use of the limitation doesn't really fit with the intended use of the limitation, game feels kinda boring to play too-

2cnd level is glitched, fell through it twice, art is nice but I haven't seen the limitation get used-

The game feels very empty, could have used the extra time to add more polish to your game- not very enjoyable, presentation is meh, limitation doesn't feel like it's really integrated-

Thanks! The music was made a little bit before we finished the game so I'm happy you liked it!

Thanks for the feedback ! The crosshair goes from a desaturated red to a green, then you can shoot, we tried having something like a bar or a round thing around the player but we ended up using the crosshair-

Thanks for the feedback ! We plan on updating the game post-jam, at least to get rid of bugs, but we might add some other stuff too!

painting feeling laggy is normal, there's a cooldown-

This "game" (feels more like a tool) is pretty nice, the painting feels kinda laggy but it is really fun to paint with, this is what I made with the prompt "Decorative cherry", it feels like school when teachers ask you to paint even tho you paint really badly-

Use of the limittion is left to be desired but it's nice and fun to play

Colour palette makes it really hard to see, also found a bug on level 2 where if you go get the gate with one and go get the gate with both it passes to the next level

Use of the limitation is fine but seeing the same use over and over again is getting boring... also pretty sure level 4 (idk the numbers, didn't care to count) is impossible

Interesting game for sure tried it once and died, wall of texts aren't fun and also, take into account peeps have different keyboard layouts than yours-

The graphics remind me of polyMars' games, simple, yet effective, could use some more obstacles I think but it's pretty fun to play! (PB:144)

It's nice to play, very relaxing to paint colours on a canvas, didn't manage to get it working tho

This is alright for a game jam, not really fun but the idea is there and executed well, take on the limitation is more interesting than most games around tho-

Can't get the game to work-

Art could have used a little bit more work, didn't really understand how you're supposed to not get the character to harm itself and still kill the enemies...

The white robots and aren't your classical enemies, they don't cause you too many problems if you bump them

Thanks for the feedback and the compliment!

This was very fun to play, granted I had informations coming from the dev in real time (thanks Discord) but once I got the idea of how this works, this was fun to play!

Only took me 2 attempts to win too!

This game is really nice! You can definitively feel the Celeste vibe in that game, really great game!

Enjoy your first (of many, I hope) rating!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah- that happened to me more times that I thought xD

Thanks for the feedback Ahron! We spent a good part of day 1 just adding effects and polishing to make the game feel nice to play

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

A little lackluster on the limitation side but the game is nice, could have used some chill background music-

This is a very unique take on the limitation, I really like the game! More levels soon pls ?

Me and the dev (@Minimg) had a lot of fun making this game and I do see us working on it more (at least to fix those nasty bugs...), thanks for the proposition about how to fix the camera issue ^^
Thanks for your feedback!

This is a pretty cool game, feels kinda empty (maybe have something to fill in the grey areas ?) and could use some music, but it's a nice game

This is alright, the use of the limitation stands out more than the regular use I've seen, the idea is nice, area 3 fried my brain tho-

This game is pretty nice to play, the lore fits in really well with the game, would be nice to have the highscore in the corner

Yep, we're aware of that issue but we ran out of time to bugfix the game before submitting it, we'd hope playing the game would feel better than just waiting there for the numbers to go up, enemies aren't supposed to hurt you-

Thanks for the feedback tho-

Use of the limitation is nice but the execution is really well it deserves another star (4 instead of 3), games feels nice to play, shame there's no way to try the game again...

Thanks for compliment about the art ^^

The theme is optional, limitation isn't- Otherwise the game is pretty nice, got stuck on the last dark-blue order, couldn't make it

Limitation use is very basic but it's executed so well it's worth the 4 stars instead of the 3!

Best game of this jam so far, I really dig it!

I can't play this (no frens ;w;) but the concept looks amazing to play so you get a rating but I've rated it so you get at least you get one :3

This is really nice game, could use some music in the background I think,  the levels tend to look a bit bland, use of the limitation is definitively better than most game but isn't something something that unique. Very solid game tho!