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Kissa Bissa Games

A member registered 95 days ago · View creator page →

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the art was great and the idea was really cute. took me a sec to figure out the rock icon isn't a small rock but rather an icon, maybe outline it or something? but all in all loved the feel and charm of this one, good job!

oh i have so much i want to add to this game! the full thing is gonna be much more in depth, this was a proof of concept for me. thank you so much for the feedback and for playing~! hope you stick around for the full version :) 

thank you so much! my initial idea for this game was making the most addicting game i can, lol. hope you stick around for the full version! 

hey thank you so much for the feedback!  you bet theres gonna be so many puns in this game lol. this time around i just wanted a working gun, but im actually gonna add a couple of weapons with different shooting mechanics and ammo consumption so there's more to see, hope you stick around to play it :) 

great job! i had a great time, really liked it. 

amazing job, the art was great and the whole thing was really really cute. stun-locked everyone with infinite light attacks and had a fun time :) 

liked it. the shaders really helped create a dope atmosphere.  great job! 

great concept and great execution, i liked it! 

i got rejected by bigfoot yet everyone didn't die alone so i guess that's good news. i had a good time and its a really cute concept but i didn't really feel like my choice of character changed anything in the dates themselves. its a really cute idea that you could really expand upon with some extra mechanics and maybe some more options during the dates themselves. good job! 

i liked it! very interesting concept. i would've added some timeline or screen that shows you the options you chose and the other options you've yet to choose so you could make different choices in subsequent playthroughs.  all in all was really cute and enjoyed the writing. 

thank you so much im so glad to hear that! hope you'll stick around for the full version one of these days :) 

thanks a bunch! hope you had a great meal after playing ;)

hey thanks so much for playing! would love to hear what you found hard about the clicker so i can improve the next version :) 

A really cute game, I loved the art and the storytelling

this was weirdly addicting, i liked it. 


you can say this game made a fan out of me.

this was a really cute idea, i liked it!


took a moment to get the hang of it (got stuck in the tutorial screen lol) but after getting it this was really fun! it controls pretty well and the idea is addicting. had a good time :) 


its a pretty fun idea! the controls are a bit floaty and it took me a sec to figure out what to do, but then i met blower senpai who told me i did a good job so all is well

- b

we both really liked this game, great job! we really enjoyed the overall vibe and it felt good to play :) 


took me a sec to get the controls, loved it. 


i liked the vibe but the game kinda played itself lol


really liked the clever use of the fingers when leveling up, made me feel smart


best i got was 6 before i gave up, this is hard lol
i really really liked the idea and the artstyle! 

enemies were really hard to dodge around tho and i once found myself dead and being dragged down the bottom of the screen for a while before i could restart.

all in all this was really fun but really hard!




once i started going slow things got poppin real quick

i found this strangely comforting.

- b

i really liked the idea, the fire didn't seem to really ever need tending that much and it didn't really feel like i was making any progress. also the music was really rough after a few loops. but overall i did think it was a fun idea that could really benefit some more work :)


This was really fun! we liked the idea of timing based portal puzzles but did struggle at the end with syncing issues (level 10 in particular was tricky if done slow).

with some added mechanics (maybe more time related stuff if you're aiming for a speed based puzzle game) and a bit of polish and music this could be a really fun time! 

- B