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A member registered Feb 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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For now, it seems to be better to use webgl2.

Perhaps someone else can, I am open to that.

At the same time, have you seen good results with webgpu on real apps yet, I have not.

You are welcome, share some pix of your game when you are ready!

This is an incomplete gltf. It does not contain embedded textures. I suggest using the glb format instead, this includes all necessary data in one file.

For the gltf version you would need to make sure it embeds all textures and buffers in the gltf file itself.

This is mentioned in the text on the itch page as is the suggestion to test your files on before use.

Can you send me the test project or send me the gltf/glb model you are testing?

Perhaps a bad model or bad format? Can you send the project and/or the model?

Also please make sure you are using the latest version of the addon and C3.

The debug render is not perfect, it can be offset, but it generally shows the location.

Try RapierJointsMinimal, pulled out some unused code.

Hmm, are you using the latest version of the addon?

You can try setting the x,y,z translation to the camera view direction (see camera3d view direction), experiment with that.

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You don't need the ground, but for me it feels better to me to have a ground and some fake gravity for a kinematic character controller. You can delete the ground in my example and the 'D' movement still works (but it will be falling due to the fake gravity.)

For some more info about character controllers in general see:

(This is the physics library embedded in this addon, a subset of the many features are exposed to C3 right now.)

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Try this:

Moved translate to every tick (to enable gravity, -10 to z). Change down to set x value. Add ground for character to move on. Also changed project to regular z instead of normalized z. Do not use normalized z for 3d project. Also sort based on camera distance for 3d layer (for 3d project).

Nothing obvious in this snippet. Test the sample projects, check if you are using latest version. If you cannot find an error, share the project.

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That is because the new C3 default is webgpu render. Switch back to webgl2 and it will work.

I have yet to see much of a real benefit to use webgpu in a full C3 application.

Just try reloading the project. Currently it does not update if the path is changed between different models.

I would think it would on any modern android platform, but have not tried it.

Ok, I took a look at this. These examples work on my set up and after tracing some stuff down, it looks like you are running the editor using webgl1 and not webgl2 or webGPU. The image textures trigger the issue, because they are non-power of 2. and tiled/repeat. WebGL1 does not support non power of 2 textures with all modes (e.g. tiled / repeat mode).

My suggestion is to work using webGL2 in editor and runtime. If that is not possible, you need to make all your textures power of two, where ever these issues show up.

This provided some great hints about where to go look. Thanks for all that testing, very much appreciated. Unfortunately I am like Scirra, I am a small group (1 person :) ) and need my users to help me test :)

No, but just try out the ACEs for set rotation and scale, they rotate and scale the object, which seems to be what you are looking for.

Thanks for all of this I made of a few of the older versions available.

for static camera you can use set rotation and set scale ACEs

did you add a new model? I have not run into this particular error before, but the comment non power of 2 tiled textures not supported is interesting and might be due to a specific model, texture, texture type being used, hmm. can you please let me know which  of the sample projects also causes the issue? in the meantime do you need help getting a previous version of the addon?

Yah, it's fun. Back to the days of the earliest 3D and transparency. I ran into it first on the Sega Saturn myself, called 'mesh', with a fixed even/odd pattern. In this case doing dither 'level' based on alpha value. I hope some folks have textures with varying alpha. I haven't really tested that yet.

Check out the new screendoor dither in the frag light effect. it definitely has its own artifacts, but might be interesting for this case.

Frag light is a separate itch project.

I think it's ok, but if you have some different platforms to try a slice of your game on, that's always good to do.

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The reason we are adding these all to one addon is because we cannot 'stack' these types of effects, they all need to be the first effect used in the effect stack for direct 3d rendering. For now, if you don't need the other features, disable them to reduce the perf impact from features not being used.

you can get vertices of a mesh, for an attachment the best way to do it is to add a small cube to the attachment point and just use the first vertex of that mesh, look at the dev logs for more details 

Sure, I would look more at controlling the C3 3d camera around a static model.

My guess is you are using normalized Z instead of regular z in project settings (should always use regular z when doing 3d)

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I added it to this itch page.

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Which version are you using, the latest is:


The addon is not really made for that case, however you could try changing the local center value through ACEs. Experiment and see if it works for you.

Otherwise you need to use a 3d transform (e.g. vector / matrix math) to rotate each object around the rubick cube center point.

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Hi, for this jam, I want to focus on creating shaders/effects for Renpy that can add extra Juice to visuals. I have done many effects in glsl previously (mainly for the Construct 3 game engine, but the experience transferred well to Renypy). I am open to all genre, but most interested in horror/thriller/mystery. I can also help out with some smaller Renpy programming tasks if needed.

Some example effects I have done in the past below, wind effect on clothing/hair, lighting, sprite distortion, etc.

Contact me through this forum.

Last year's project here (VN / Journaling game, Stories stored on server to share with others.) I was programmer, writer for the project.

Thank you!

At least remove the 3D face light addon.

If the Fog Expo is on an object remove it also.

See the itch page, this new effect must be the _first_ effect in the effect stack.

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With this version (early in development), you do not set the position/color in js code. You use the effect parameters. You can set them as properties in the editor or change them at runtime with events with the set effect parameter action. The JS code is now only to patch the vertex shader to enable the effect/addon.

Just a thumbs up, that's right.

We may be able to start doing things like decals on 3d objects, snow, weather effects, height based fog, etc.

The possible fix I am talking about above would be optional to help with the transparency case. It would be enabled per node/mesh.


I might be able to work on this in a couple weeks, the sort would only be for one mesh, not between meshes and it would happen on the CPU. It would also require all rotate, scale, transform operations be done on the CPU too (normally they are done on the GPU). This can put a heavy load on CPU. It is a difficult problem with how we can render using C3.

If we could get at the pre-draw shade we could do screen door.

I am open to other ideas on it, also since it is open source other PRs (other people submitting code/changes).