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A member registered Jun 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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Great game, could really see this one as a full release game somewhere down the line!

The only thing that grinded my gear was getting stuck on a jump/doublejump if the player is to close to a wall. Especially if it was the last action before the finish line :D 

Very well designed game! Everything is polished and fits together.

The only critic I have to agree the previous comments, it is really hard and gets even harder after the first time your candles run out because of the lack of spare candles.

But i like the idea of hiding the color changer in the settings, this is in it self another puzzle, to find out how to change the color. But with the already hard time limit of the candles it doesnt really work out. Burned through like 3 candles to try different colors and couldnt find everything in this room.

Art and Musik are awesome! The brewing system is cool and if you continue with the game, you could add some more depth to it, but i see you already planned it with more prima materials and some kind of stones ;)

Unfortunatly I had some bug on the final bird boss where he had no HP left but the fight didn't end. I still could brew health potions but the black prima cards where labeled "placeholder". When dragging the placeholder over the brewing station nothing happened and the cards didnt disappear.

Great game, easy to understand and play but gets really difficult later on. Alks well written story and loved the artwork for it

The mechanic with the differnt types of bottles gave an simple potion brewer game a nice twist!

Only critic is that i had some issues with the hitbox of the water jellyfish.  I had to click directly on the jelly fish to consistently grab it. if i only clicked into the blue box of the jelly fish, it worked only half the time

Really liked the story, not being a main character, just a simple guy showing up for his day to day shift.  Going from Top Down Camera to Third Person was also really nice and reminded me of the older final fantasy games.

Initially i had quite some problems understanding the fighting system until i found the "combat info" panel. And after running out of elemental cards, it is pretty hard to fight the monsters, especially the golem. Maybe the non elemental cards could be somehow used to boost the other cards if combined with an elemental card.

Overall had quite some fun playing this game. Art, Music and SFX all are really well made.
Keep up the good work!

Nice to hear you had quite some fun playing the game.

Due to time issues we had to drop some features which would have made the grind less repetitive. Our next Jam we try to go simpler and focus more on the gameplay instead of a complex system behind it

Thanks for the feedback.

We really tried to do a lot with light and shadows but unfortunatly it didnt really work in the browser, so we had to tune it down a lot.

I am sorry to hear you encountered a corner glitch. We also had some in our playtests and (at least tried to fix them). Either we missed one or our fix didnt really work out.

Thanks, we really understimated the time needed for polishing at the end :D

Yeah luckily we tested early enough and could tune down some visual stuff and remove some of the environment to increase the loading :D 

The next jam entry of ours will definitly be a simpler genre, therefore more polished