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A member registered Nov 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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(4 edits)

Hello everyone, I'm Kalawasa, and I present to you my challenge in space, I challenge you to get the best score while colonizing/demagnetizing space rocks, avoiding getting hit by space debris or dying from lack of oxygen.

If you can try it, it would help me a lot if you leave a comment to continue improving :D

You can play it here: Rocks or cookies - THE FEATS OF kalawasa

Magnetize kalawasa and demagnetize rocks to colonize rocks and earn points
Don't get hit by space junk
Rocks can explode if hit too often

Of course, in this case, it may be an option to have a counter that indicates how many coins you need to collect them all, because when you finish you don't know if you've already collected them all or not :D.

I'm sure the other one has a little more precision to get points, because I'm very bad at aiming and I only got 0 haha.

When the qualification started I started with this game and until now the server is down, what a pity. :(

I like the minimalist, it was challenging and fun, I would have liked to hear some epic music that excites you when you are closer to finishing, and it also seems to me that there is a limit to the maximum score for all those who finish the 60 seconds, therefore If the player wanted to beat this score, he could no longer do so. That would be all, thanks for sharing.

I was surprised by the game, it is very fun, very original and the way to get points is a great success. Maybe you need to have a full screen. I'm going to try to beat your score.

Having enhancers that allow me to improve my scores is perfect, the minimap also seemed like a great success. A suggestion that I could give you is to regulate the minimum and maximum speed that can be reached without being tedious for the player to control, there is also a sound that was like scratching a blackboard, perhaps its volume should be adjusted. An error I found was that the game cannot be started after exiting the instructions or credits. Thanks for sharing.

The concept is very cool, the bad thing about being against time is that you couldn't appreciate the art, maybe with a clock it could be solved, since I measure my time better in each scene, on the other hand it needed a music of "son almost 8 in the morning and nothing will stop me from making myself a coffee before starting work", I really appreciate your work, thanks for sharing.

Very funny I liked it a lot, very fluid, a very interesting idea, something I found is that the restart button disappears on a full screen computer, and something more far-fetched that I could say and it's just my subjective opinion, the music didn't fit 100% with your game, but don't get me wrong, overall I really enjoyed it.

I like the style, I didn't find problems in the gameplay, the music is very good, as a suggestion it would be good if there was a kind of coin indicator, like a mini map or something similar that indicates where there are coins that I haven't collected. For everything else, I liked it a lot.

The gameplay is ok, I didn't manage to survive the 60 seconds, but it seems to me that there is a limit to the maximum score you can get? if so, then you would have to think of something that adds a difference so that every time he plays he can always beat the previous score. For the rest I liked it.

I loved it, although at the beginning it seemed to me that life was a lot, it was getting complicated, the graphics are good, the difficulty seems perfect, I enjoyed it a lot.

I felt that on the surface and the bottom, even if you weren't so close, it would make you turn, the graphics are very good, I really liked the environment. Always consider music for your next games. thanks for sharing.

If it was fun, I really liked the dead ends, it's great to test your visual reflexes.

I didn't quite understand where to start, so I squeezed everything, hahaha, the sound made me desperate, it fulfilled its objective. Fun and infuriating.

I liked the parallax effect a lot, I had problems with the jumps, it is not very comfortable, sometimes I made a strange medium double jump. thanks for sharing.

I liked it a lot, easy to control and what I liked the most is that the game explains itself, personally I prefer the archery mode. Bravo!

Thanks for playing it, I have to polish the gameplay more, this experience is helping me a lot, regards.

I do not master English well, I use the translator in many cases, for this reason I did not understand the instructions and dialogues in the game very well. Quite apart from that, I found some bugs like being able to go through walls in certain places, I think also the stealth bar didn't work well. I'm also trying to create music for my games so I think it's great that you tried it for this jam, it suits your game very well. Thanks for sharing.

The atmosphere of the game was good for you, but it lacked the music to give it more personality, on the other hand it seems to me that the movement of the character is very abrupt and the lighting should also accompany the character, the concept of the bullets and having a shield I loved it. I'm also new to making games so I also learned a lot playing your game. Thanks for sharing.

The music is very cool, I don't know if it only happens to me but I always associated the directions to the side of the tree where I want to be and it failed a lot for that hahaha, on the other hand, its retry button was missing and something that It will indicate how much is left for the game to end. Bravo, thanks for sharing your game.

In general it's fine, you should consider that being a game no longer than 60 seconds the score should not be the same for everyone who finishes the route, there should be something extra that increases or decreases the score, to try to beat the score reached. 

Thank you for sharing your first game, many encouragement for you to continue creating.

It happened to me that when loading I had connection errors :(

(1 edit)

I liked it, with the keyboard I tried to make figures with all the tail I had, but I always wondered at what time it ends, very intuitive in the rest. Thanks for sharing your game.

I'm glad you had fun, that the game itself doesn't explain how to play it is something I have to work on, by the way I hadn't seen that bug thanks for reporting it and leaving your feedback.

You are very right, these are little things that I overlooked. Thanks for playing it and for commenting, I'm already writing everything down :D

And thank you for commenting. Well, yes, now that I am more relaxed, I realize that there are details to polish, I have already written down your observations. A hug.

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Great!, thanks for the comment. And you're right, I left a condition in the code that I have no idea why I put it but it doesn't allow adding scores greater than 32, haha a crazy thing. Noted your observations. Then I'll go through your game and comment :)

PD: My game has a video, that's great and what a shame to see that error.

(1 edit)

Hello everyone, I'm Kalawasa, and I present to you Superame, my first game and the beginning of many more, I'm very happy to be able to publish it :D

Superame is a casual pixel art platform game where you have to collect all the golden coca leaves in the shortest time possible, defeat enemies to improve your time, and be number #1 on the leaderboard.

In the process I made many mistakes in the design, animation and in the use of good practices in coding, but I solved them little by little. I learned a lot about pixel art, the basics of game mechanics and I still have much more to learn.

I intend to add more levels and more characters.

If you got here, I hope that the few minutes that my game gives you are to your liking, I would also like to have your comment and opinion about the game. Have a great day!