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A member registered Jul 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi, thanks for playing our game! Yes, the tutorial levels are easy and could be solved with just rewinding and jumping but most of the levels from 10 to 4 billion are not that easy.

Hi, about the triangle objects, are you sure they are in your reach? If the grid appears red, then it is not.

We... had a tutorial?

The graphics and effects are well made, great job! Jumping feels a little bit off, but considering this was made in one week, really good game.

Really sorry to hear that! We will try to fix the build in the post-jam version, but I really do not have any idea what happened! When I test the linux build, it works fine if I don't uncheck the fullscreen box, and the windowss build with wine works completely fine, even not in fullscreen. I need to state again the fact that Unity does not like linux. Maybe try the post-jam version after the jam.

(2 edits)

Thanks! As Pablo has already stated, my main OS is linux so it was needed!

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Hi, sorry for the problem about the options menu! Which build are you on? Windows, Mac or Linux? Unity does not like Linux that much so if you uncheck the Fullscreen box, it becomes unresponsive.

The sound and graphics are pretty cool, though i didn't quite understand the game.

Yes, the mechanic is a bit hard to understand at first. Glad you liked it!

Thanks for the comment! Yes, we thought of adding tutorials for each object but we think that if the player learns by himself, it will be more effective. Glad you liked it!

Windows build with Wine does not accept controls. I still like the screenshots tho

I will test the Windows version with Wine now.

The only thing I get is a black screen in Linux build


You don't need to say that. I check all of the creators games who commented here

The only thing  i get is a black screen.

(1 edit)

I already tried that.

The code needs optimization. Runs barely on my laptop (15 fps)

Movement feels unresponsive, and the music gets cut off while rewinding but the neon graphics are good. And good gameplay.

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I feel like the theme is not much used but the graphics were good.

A bit too much motion blur for my taste but great job!

Cool graphics and good mechanic!

The mechanic is great! I loved it!

We didn't make the rewind shader, but we modified one we found online. Glad you liked it!

Cool idea and great execution!

I really liked the idea. Adding a reset button could improve the game a lot!

The game sure is fun! Some places are too hard but I enjoyed playing it!

Cool game, would be a lot cooler if we can see the bullets, the enemies should rotate, there are a lot of enemies who are just shooting backwards. There is a lot of room for improvement but good job!

I played this for the first time and I LOVE IT!

Couldn't really figure out how to travel behind the door, cool graphics! And there is a bug where you get stuck in the door.

The jump is a bit weird and too much text.

Cool game with good graphics!

Texts are gone, controls are not working.

The game runs too slowly (around 1fps) on browser. Maybe a build would help.

The jumping is a bit weird.

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Umm, thats the point of the bushes. They change directions

And, changing positions of blocks aren't buggy. They just snap to the grid.

The game is just a classic memory game, i don't know why it does not show the second card tho.

The content is out of screen on my 1366x768 monitor and the music gets cut off when a new scene loads but nice job!

I can't really rate it, the content is mostly off screen on my 1366x768 monitor.

The theme will be announced here