existe gracias a tí!! 🫂🫂🫂
Juno Menager
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Feeling lost and confused was one of the primary focus of the experience.
As is stated in the last interaction with Sito, you are not the person who they where looking for, wich implies that you don´t really know what is happening in any moment. You (both you and your character) don´t know what this guy who kidnapped you is talking about, but he has the upper hand, and the only thing you can do is try to play and survive his game.
Some more iterations, where is stated in some form that you are meant to be confused could really help the experience, but with the time I had I´m happy it kinda works on it´s own given how hard is to play with those emotions like that.
Thanks for your comment and glad you liked the experience !! :)
Yeah, I´m not the best at programming (this is the 2nd game i make fully on my own, and the first one was like 2 weeks ago lol), and the best system I could come with the limited time was one that works "most of the time" haha. Fortunately it´s not really crucial for the game, but is on my plans to fix it sometime in the future. Thanks for your feedback!! :)
The tutorial doesn't progress until you give input, but since it can be anywhere, it's very easy to accidentally advance it. It would certainly be better to do it another way haha.
Also, answering your first question, is a bit of both. There is a ""right"" (understanding it as what Sito, wich is clearly unreliable, believes is the truth), answer for (almost) every question, but neither you or your character have any information to responding right to them. That´s completely deliberate, and gets explained why in the "last day". It might be too confusing at times (at the end is hard to write this type of stuff with this little time and external testing), but at the end that´s the idea behind the game.
Thanks for your feedback :)!!
That´s also stated inside the game. Multiple days happen between each visit you see, but during those days Sito is still playing with you off camera. Sito specifies also at the start of the dialogue of the second day, but it maybe still so subtle.
Really disagree with the last part btw, I think it would make the game worse. I insist this is about frustration and confusion.
Of course is unfair, your character does not know what is happening either! And neither both of you know what sito is talking about in any moment. It is frustrating and confusing because it´s meant to be frustrating and confusing, at the end you are being tortured for something you didn´t do
Maybe should better clarify that your character also doesn´t know, but did not had time nor testers to check how the narrative worked.
Thanks for your feedback! :)
Muy a tope con el estilo visual y muy a tope con cómo está diseñado y las partes del cerebro que te rasca. El ritmo al que va desarrollándose todo funciona muy bien y acaba metiéndote super dentro (aunque la primera vez que juegas el valle en el que no pasa nada del principio no sabes muy bien como tomártelo, aún no he llegado a términos de si es algo que me guste o no aksdjh), y todo junto tiene mucho carisma!
Pero por amor de dios cristo aprovechadlo y ponedle una portada en la que se vea la vibra que lleva! Es de lo más chulo que he jugao dentro de la jam, pero cuesta mucho verlo de lejos con como está planteado ahora.
All the game really revolves arround the idea of making you FEEL that the hands yours, and exploring the emotional layers of what happens when Sito does stuff to them hehe.
At the end is all one of those experiments that makes you think a rubber hand is yours!!
English is not my first language, and run out of time to double check everything haha, I will fix it in the near future !
And about the context given, the narrative is written revolving arround i´s absence. Neither you or your character know really what´s happening, and olthough I think if done perfectly it can work, I could agree that some parts don´t really work as intended ( at the end you can´t rewrite a story 10 times for a gamejam hehe). I would get more specific, but don´t want to spoil anything someone who could stumble upon this comment.
All this said, Thanks for your feedback !! :)
HI ! Mine is a weird narrative game about playing Odds and Evens with your kidnapper, If u wanna check :)
Here is mine, a narrative game about how your kidnapper plays Odds and Evens with you.
I will play yours the first moment I can !!