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A member registered Apr 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game is great, when the drills came in I felt for a second that I was playing cuphead for some reason. Great entry

The infinite hotel paradox, that's an amazing concept, I also thought of applying it for my game but I did not know how. Really creative.

This game should have more ratings, it is one of the best games of the jam I have played, really creative even though short, the mechanics are really well thought and the gameplay feels really smooth. I would love to see this in the top 100

I was thinking you were gonna rage quit, but I admire your persistance.

Thank you for playing and thanks for the feedback. I don't think the mechanics of this games are unique, I did it knowing a lot of people might have had the same idea. But what I did try was to use these simple mechanics and make challenging levels, and try for it not to be buggy, so basically perfect the mechanics, and have simple but good levels. I am not an artist so going for that style was a good choice for me, since the squashing and stretching might not look good on a sprite for example. Anyways, thanks for playing and I look forward to playing your game.

One of my top games in this jam, without any doubts, a speedrunning game. And you added a leaderboard and all, really good result

If I already hated how difficult was blender, this game made me hate it even more. Which is a good thing, really enjoyed the puzzles, there were made in a very good way. My brain is not clever enough to solve this games, so I could not finish it. Really good game.

This game is good, I am the one who is not good enough to get pass the first hallway, either way, the concept is good, I really enjoyed gameplay.

The puzzles can use some refinement, don't missinterpret me, the puzzles are good, but there are some bugs, and the level does not make it easy to see what needs to be done, still I enjoyed the story and taking advantage of some bugs to pass the levels, the game is good, it has potential to become something in the future. Good entry

The opponent was challenging, the tutorial texts were buggy but I am guessing webgl bugs, I really enjoyed the game, it is quite simple.

This game is so addictive, the leaderboard was a nice addition and made me want to play more, it was really fun and a nice speedrun technique to throw the sticks to build the ladder, did not found major bugs, maybe the hogs need some balancing, but maybe it is part of the charm, really good game

Great work for a puzzle game, there is a lot of potential for the concept, and even if it is unfinished, there is a lot of gameplay possibility here.

Thank you for playing!!

Most people do that, I was hoping it was not difficult enough for people to rage quit, but also not easy enough for people to breeze through it. But it is a pretty rage inducing game, so pretty understandable. Thanks for playing and I look forward to playing your game

This game has potential to become something more, the gameplay is interesting and the theme is well applied

The hand drawn art is amazing, and I really like the concept, it keeps you balancing your own mana every round, but trying not to go too low or too high. The customization at the beginning was a nice detail. Really enjoyed this game

The idea was good, and the style of the game was incredible. The only thing I have found with this types of games, is that the perspective of the camera does not help when you have to go through an obstacle on the side of the screen. In either case, really nice endless runner, I had a good time playing it.

Cool game, I really enjoyed it. I would love to know where approximately is the hole at the start of each level, but I have no problem with that. Really good game

Really good game, I love the unlocking skills mechanic and how you use them, I don't know but your highscore system seems to be broken. Really good game and platformer I enjoyed it

It is hard to know how to improve the shot, but I am guessing that is part of the game. The music is nice, I like it, I would love to see more levels with more items like spaceships or other celestial bodies. I really enjoyed it, good entry.

Really good game, the narration is really good and the game is interesting, the mechanics are simple, but the way they are presented is amazing.

The art is amazing, and I think the game could go somewhere. But the bugs make it really difficult to play, either the music stops and doesn't reset or it never stops. So it is difficult to know what is going on. Really good concept, I have enjoyed the starting cinematic.

I really enjoyed this game, I would probably add a way to lose because I did not see that, the graphics are amazing and did not encounter any major bugs, except maybe the fact that you don't use the zoom so often. but for a 4 day game jam the game is amazing, I really like where this game could go in the future (if you decide to keep working on it)

Yeah, I should have tweaked the character values more to fit what I was going for, on the other hand, I think the jumps wouldn't be so precise if the character controller was changed, they would be much easier, making the game too easy and maybe forgettable. Thanks for playing and I look forward to playing your game

Very good game, I enjoyed how the theme was applied, the levels were difficult but it was managable at the end. The sound of the little guys talking is hilarious. Really good game. Aguante messi

The puzzle design in this one is really neat. I have really enjoyed it. I don't know if I love or hate the fact that it becomes a clicking in the correct timing puzzle, but still really neat game. I have enjoyed even the challenge levels. The 2nd challenge level was it for me, I couldn't solve it. Pretty nice entry and such an interesting concept

For a first game this is quite a solid entry, the theme fits in a far fetched way. But still, pretty solid game for a first time I like it

Thank you for playing the game, yeah the error is in the webgl build, I think the browser deletes the font or something, I don't know how to solve it.

The mechanics are interesting and well applied. I really like how your game feels, the puzzles can become quite difficult but not impossible. I managed to play to the end. Really good game

Yeah, I might have to tweak the values in the future in order to make it better. Still, the frustration is meant to be a part of the game, even though the source of frustration should not come from bad controls, but bad precision with the controls, and I think my game kind of achieves that. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for playing my game... Yeah, stopping when colliding walls was really difficult. I used 8 small raycasts on each side of the character checking if there is a hit on both the left and right or up and down of the character if there is the scaling stops. Then whenever you scale and have a wall to your right but not to the left, the character used to clip through the right wall, so I had to move the character a bit to the left whenever it scaled to the right and had a wall to the side. I will upload the code to github in a few days (It is such a bad code, 2 days was not a long time). Anyways thanks for playing, and I'll let you know when I upload the code

I really enjoyed the concept, I don't know if i have to get smaller at some point in order to get through some places but the game was fun. The enemies have a lot of life though. Nice entry

I really laughed playing this game, specially on the last part. The idea is there, it was an easy yet entertaining game. The art style is really good. Pretty good entry

Pretty simple, but enjoyable. I didn't find the need to get bigger, but still being small adds some complexity

I really liked the implementation of the theme and Alice's face when she tries to scale herself. Really nice entry

Really nice game. I dont know what is the giant fly on the corner but still. Nice tutorial and nice game

The style of the game is really good. The theme and puzzles are something that can be really extended on. Even though the game is not long. I see a lot of potential there.

Amazing puzzle!! The theme was really well applied here. I couldn't finished it because it became to difficult and I raged quit

Scaling windows, really original idea

The game was really creative I truly have enjoyed