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A member registered Jan 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fun game! Nice job, enjoyed the difficulty of some of the patterns

(1 edit)

Gave you a rating earlier :), would love a look at my teams game too if people have time 

Thanks for giving our game a go and leaving some feedback!

Im not sure I fully understood the mechanics of this one, but the game felt and looked really nice, good job!

Most fun I've had so far, really great feel running and shooting. I just wished the upgrades were a bit more meaningful. But honestly thats my only critique, great job.

Really well polished art,  a bit of a pain that it was controller only. Also twin stick shooting while having a shoot button didnt feel too great. Game juice/fell felt really good though, nice liberal usage of lighting effects.

Had a lot of fun with this one! love that your own bullets can hit you

Art style is really nice, atmosphere is great. The upgrades for me lacked a bit on a punch, but overall had fun.

The game is fine, but doesn't really incorporate any bullet hell mechanics at all. 

Had a lot of fun with this one, tight gameplay loop, very nice!

Really fun game with great atmosphere! Had a few humorous moments where the reward would off me something but the consequence would take it away. Enjoyed my time with this one!

A fun little wave based shooter with great bullet impact effects. Great job!

The theme and cutscene is really nice but had the same issue as CamaroTheBOSS with the static background making it quite hard for me to see that I was moving.

The art style is great! 

Did have problems where  my character would just not shoot anymore and I would get stuck though. 

Overall atmosphere and audio is on point though!

Love the music and neon visuals!

Art and effects look really nice on this!