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I completely agree, that's an excellent suggestion. It should be clear what it's meant by sexism and racial intolerance. It's true that the phrase "content that promotes or participates" can be a bit vague or even subjective. So the solution would be being more specific in what is allowed and what is not tolerated. Clear and unambiguous, like you said.
When is this change / update going to be implemented?
Nice game! I like the graphics and I love that the camera zooms in when the spaceship is aproaching the ground. I've managed to land successfully a couple times, but then the game just starts again (but with less fuel). It would be great to see a victory message, for example, or a score. Also, I'd like to know the speeds needed for the ship not to destroy when landing (how fast is too fast?).
Awesome backgrounds! I used them for my game Space Landing Master. Thank you so much, they look great.
Entertaining, not too easy or too difficult. I like the idea, the design and the music. Perhaps I would suggest a different background (maybe lighter so that it's easier to see the black bullets) and also the possibility of recovering health (otherwise death is inevitable, which is fine, just like in real life).
Awesome idea, brilliant implementation of the topic of Decay. Great graphics and audio as well. A bit too difficult for me, I must admit. Perhaps it would help me if the difference between the beams that are in perfect condition and the ones that are about to break was more clear visually (different color). Overall, great game!
Fun to play watch. It has a lot of unexploited potential, in my opinion. Here is an idea: you could make a worm appear wherever the user clicks on the apple. The worm would slowly grow and eat the apple. But why limit it to only one apple? Make an entire tree full of apples, the user has to infect all of them with worms. Every couple seconds another apple grows on the tree, so the user has to be quick...
Fun to play, and nice relaxing music in the background. I also like the +2 boops per click when you feed the cat. It would be even more addicting if there was a bar showing the cat's need for food. When the bar is low the cat faints, for example. That way the user has to click fast enough to be able to feed the cat on time, regularly. Another idea: the more you feed the cat, the bigger it grows and consequently it demands more food...
There seems to be some problems loading the game. If that is your case you can always play on my website: where you can even save your score and show it in the leaderboard
Great music! I used 3 of your tracks in my game. Here is the link if you want to check it out:
I credited you in my page and in the game. Thanks a lot!
I used this asset to design the interior of a castle for my game. Thank you very much! If you'd like to check it out, here is the link: