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A member registered Jun 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks! And I'm sorry about that first Piñata, I didn't know they could to that! It must have spotted a butterfly in the woods or something...

What a joyful morning climb I had! Every frame is gorgeous in this game. And learning to work with the janky physics is a fun exercise. 10/10 Would climb again.

Thanks Lily!

Thank you! I didn't anticipate many non-Dutch speaking players because of the subject matter. I'll look into translating it!

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Dit jaar heb ik weer een Sinterklaasspelletje gemaakt als passieproject. Volg Sinterklaas tijdens zijn nachtelijke tocht over de daken. Leid de rijder en zijn paard naar elke schoorsteen met de kracht van perspectief. Door de Bomen is een korte puzzelgame die je op je mobiel kan spelen.


This year I've made another game inspired by Sinterklaas (Dutch holiday) as a passion project. Follow Sinterklaas during his nightly expedition across the rooftops. Lead the rider and his horse to each chimney using the power of perspective. Door De Bomen (Through The Trees) is a short puzzle game you can play on your phone.

Play it in your browser here:

Dope aesthetics! Shooting looks so powerful. Too bad there is no real progression (at least I didn't notice any) but I had fun dodging and blasting stuff. Stupid red pawns.

I had some help figuring out the controls, after that it was a really cool system to play with. The game works really well! I could have used more visual feedback and indicators for what actions do etc. I liked the art and fighting against a giant slot machine!

I liked this! The snowball effect of getting effect that make you roll extra times which gets you extra effects is frustrating in the best way possible. Well done, I want more! 

I didn't understand how to progress! I die when the dice hits me, and also when I hit the blue pokerchip? My score screen is always empty. I could have used a more detailed tutorial. I liked how funny it looks though! Smobbel is grappig om te zeggen :)

Top score of 23! It was fun that the goal of the game was what I wanted to do anyway without being told. I wish the dice wouldn't reset their rotation when you pick them up, so you would be able to manipulate them with multiple throws. I still enjoyed throwing huge dice in first person.

I can't start the game! The error message I get is "There should be 'bruh_Data' folder next to the executable". Changing the 'My project (100)_Data' folder name to 'bruh_Data' gets me the error message 'Failed to load mono'. So sorry!

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I didn't really get the meaning of the game. It never felt like dice were rolled because I didn't get to see it, and I never faced/felt the consequences.

Easy to understand, which I like! Had little trouble figuring out what to do. But it also feels like there is no real progress. I just did the same thing over and over, without things getting more difficult or having to change my strategy or something. That could be improved imo! I would have liked to be able to see my own health also.

The difficulty of the levels didn't make a good impression on me at first. There was no time to prepare for the second level after beating the first, and I didn't make it further than there. But the movement mechanic is actually really nice. After playing for a while I felt like I was mastering the controls and was able to do more precision manouvres. Worth exploring further!

Very cute! Good spin on the theme. Although the controls are a bit awkward and I lost the knife halfway through it was very fun!

I got to here! But it just doesn't want to be recognized by my device sadly. 

I had fun trying out Godot for the first time, and playing your games, and also just doing this together with all of you!

Lovely atmosphere! Sometimes I felt dumb because I didn't understand the puzzles well. Cool skeletons though :)

That opening got me. Really nice :) I couldn't get the secret to work sadly :( but an original idea still!

This would be a great template for a horror game. Good take on the theme! I had a lot of fun for how minimalist this is. (32 final score before exiting)

I'm Mary Poppins! 10/10

I only got the 'mouse' reference after I got the cheese and I had to laugh. Really fun to use the cursor for it! I was just too confused by the second puzzle. Thought he might be saying 'north' and 'south' so I tried following the pattern with the arrow keys, but with no luck. I Liked the weirdness of it all.

Thanks Nathan!

It looks fun! It started fun as well but then I found the one-fruit-farming strategy and it became boring very fast D: Interested in seeing how you'll fix it. Good luck with further dev!

Thank you!

Got em! Ik dacht eerst dat elke plant meer licht zou geven en me zou helpen de volgende te vinden, maar emission deed niet zo veel. Miss iets om over na te denken. Had ook een leuk level design met de soort van jumping puzzel die erin zat.

Ik heb geen idee wat de bedoeling is D:

Ik heb niet de uitgang kunnen vinden, het is moeilijk om de lichten uit elkaar te houden. En ik dacht aan het begin dat je kon draaien en met links/rechts en bewegen met boven/onder, duurde even voor ik doorhad dat dat niet zo was. Wel een super origineel concept!

Het is erg makkelijk om van het level te vallen, het is veel te donker lol.  Maar het is cool om je weg te zoeken en zoveel mogelijk punten tegelijk te halen. Heeft wel wat uitleg nodig.

Vet dat je er al geluid in hebt! Ik denk dat ik de gameplay snap (op het ritme op de juiste knoppen drukken) maar veel content heeft het nog niet. Ik ben benieuwd naar wat de penalty wordt als je het verkeerd doet. Ik raad wel aan de controls ook voor keyboard te maken voor het gemak.

Het duurde even voor ik doorhad dat ik op de lege plek kon gaan staan. Het mist de rest van de game natuurlijk, maar het is een interessant concept en kan een coole ervaring worden als het af is.

Ik heb wel nog een narrative nodig voor deze capsule :) De colliders gaan jacked up bij de wisseling van segmenten en ik val daar hele tijd. Maar het platformen rondom de toren is leuk! Ik zou een random distance tussen de platformen maken voor meer uitdaging.

Erg wacky en ik verwachtte eigenlijk dat ik met de muis een backwheel kon maken om over de eerste obstacle te komen. Niet nog een beetje misselijkmakend though.

Aan het begin had ik zo weinig idee wat er gebeurde dat ik legit spooked was door de bewegende rode objecten, dus dat is goed denk ik. Ik stopte omdat mijn kaars uit was en ik kon nergens lonten kon zien, dat was wel jammer.

Heerlijk trippy en soort van meditatief. Smoother controls zou dit heel relaxing maken om te doen.

De beetje langzame catch-up van het ei maakt het moeilijker dan het lijkt. Simpel maar alsnog een uitdaging om het goed te doen.

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I must say I agree, most times. I never really liked clicker games nor played any. But for this jam I found the concept of not caring about score but about emotional value instead humorous in an ironical way. I hope you can understand!

Glad to hear that, thanks :D

Thanks for all the feedback, I like it! I do agree with everything that you're saying and I might make a better version of the game, so I'll definitely keep your ideas in mind!