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A member registered May 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! This is an old project I really enjoyed developing. Thanks a lot for playing it :)

Awesome game! Loved it

Great game!

You are indeed Ani

Thank you! 

Thank you Haaguitos, your compliment is greatly appriciated

Great game!

Awesome game!

Those are great ideas! Thanks for the feedback! 

Thank you so much! <3

This game has sooooo much potential! The cheesebot is super cool and is an awesome feature to spice things up.

Gameplay is intuitive and works great! This game has an awesome twist as a stardew valley inspired game, really looking forwards to future updates!

Wow thanks a lot for the feedback! It was very helpful and I thank you for taking your time to write it

Thank you! Yeah the desk mini-game could be more intuitive

Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked the music <3

Thank you! :)

Very charming game! The gameplay is intuitive and fun!

The artstyle is pretty and sounds are fitting.

Overall a great game for the Jam! Congrats to the developers! 

Aaaah I knew someone would get this bug haha

I noticed it but I coudln't fix it in time.

Thanks for playing tho! :D

Very interesting idea! 

Amazing art style and game idea!

Very charming game! Loved playing it 

poor  Sam :(

Awesome game! Love the artstyle and twist design.

Gameplay is great and the upgrades feature is really cool

I love the art style! Very pretty and charming 

Thanks! <3

Very interesting concept! The approach to the theme is very creative!

Awesome game and idea!

(1 edit)

Cool idea! The art and sound design are great! Game is fun and has an interesting concept.

Awesome game, congrats to the developers! :)

Awesome game! Great art and soud design, the gameplay is very intuitive and fun!

Amazing addition to the jam! Really enjoyed playing it! 

Thanks for the feedback! <3

Thanks a lot! <3

Fun concept! Really liked the sound effects haha.

Congrats to the developer, this game is very fun! 

Thank you! :)

Good to know! I'll definitly come back to check it out! :D

Oh I didn't notice the download versinon, sorry about that.

The game is amazing! The pixel aert really is great! Loved how the monsters drop like paper mario once you hit them.

The ending challange surprised me, reminded me of that undertale boss fight.

Awesome game, congrats!

Wow thank you so much! 

is it booba?

This is such a charming game! Really loved playing it!

The art is simple but so well executed! Really pleasant to look, just lovely!

Awesome game! One of the best I've seen on the jam!

Thanks! :)

This game is very interesting! Played for a while and it looks like it has great potential! Really like this idea of society just vanishing and you're the only one left.

Thanks for the feedback! I agree making it more chaotic would be fun!

Wow thank you so much! <3

Thank you! <3