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Jeff Winner Games

A member registered Aug 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

thanks :)

I enjoyed the video BTW


Nice video also!

Really funny lol

I wish you were the owner of the rights, to allow me to make a full game :) 


yep he Reborn a little bit harder.  lol

I watched your Slender video hehe

Well, DeathOmen is a different game, It's more calm and jumpscary sometimes. :D

thanks man!
really nice video, I laugh a lot, lol  :D

Thanks man,

Nice video also!

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Have you played the most recent version?
Well.. It's not my main project, I'm doing this one for fun and in my very limited free time.


Please contact It'c support for that.
I do not have the knowlege about Itch app.
Just uploaded the game from here and so far it's working :)

Please send me your Portfolio :)

Thanks Man!
I'm working on a new patch wich makes the random scares and A.I. more dangerous lol :D
Means, every page you collect he will not only get faster, but also closer and in a different direction. hehe

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Really Nice Gameplay!
You're a pro Slender Gamer hehe
I'm gonna add a Hardcore level to this game.
So people can try different levels.

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Thanks for The review man!

Loved what you said here and in the video.
I saw it here first lol.
But I commented on your video as well :p
Thanks a lot for the support!

I started it last Saturday Night and Finished today. But my time was reduced because I needed to spend time with my little daughter, since her babysiter is sick and my wife works in a Hospital. So... I became a hero dev and super dad!

Slender is by far one of my biggest inspirations and also one of those which motivated me to create horror games.

I was stressed these days, dealing with depression, lack of money and developing my second Game DeathOmen, I was up to give up everything.

I needed  to stop and have have fun this weekend.


In this game you will face the challenge of finding the 8 pages left behind, while being chased by the Slender.

The map is not a copy of the original, I was free to re-design it so that your experience is new!

It's comming in March!

Hello friends!

I just added my game on sale to be able to reach my goal and pay my bills!

Thanks for all support!

Hello my friends!

I'm loving Itch Comunity!

Coming to say that my game is on Sale to raise the funds to pay part of my bank debit.

Horror Story: Hallowssed

Hallowseed is a Psychological Horror Game, inspired by movies Like: The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Insidious and The Conjuring       

If you guys wish to support, it will be great!

People are playing it and enjoyng the game so far!
