Hello! I can code and I'm looking for an artist. for this jam.
Juan Arteaga
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hi there! I'm looking to form a team for this game jam.
1. What can I do? [Skills and Abilities]
I can code in Game Maker and do game design. Yeah, we will be limited to 2D games.
I can also do some project management.
You can see some of my previous game jam entries here:
Reto Totora by Juan Arteaga, Uchuugirl, Renzo Herrera
Geriatric Gunslinging Hotdog Cats on Scooters by Juan Arteaga
2. What would I like to focus on? [something you already know how to do, or developing a weaker area?]
Game design and coding. I can also help a little with art.
3. What can't I do?
Sound effects or music.
4. What don't I care about - i.e. other people can have "full reign" over?
Sound effects
5. What is my time commitment to this project?
can dedicate a couple of hours to this after work and as long as needed on weekdays
6. What kind of games do I like? What genres or game types do I enjoy playing or working on, or would like to try making?
I'm up for everything. I personally like arcade games and RPGs.
So yeah, I made the graphics and it's the built in physics from GMS2. About the music... I really wanted to add some Andean panflute tunes, since it's the only thing that fits and I found a royalty free song but it was 35 bucks; and while that seems fair for a royalty free song I refuse to pay that for a song I will only use once.
At the beginning I was frustrated because the car kept falling into a chasm before any mini-games even started. Once I accidentally figured out that you have to go full throttle to avoid this, the game became a lot of fun. Great job on this, but you might want to explain the acceleration thing on instructions or perhaps make the car always accelerate since it's the only way to not die.
Here is mine.
Even after fixing the aspect ratio, the graphics look blurry. It happens when I save PNGs to an iPad before moving them to a PC. I have no idea how to fix that.