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Infinity Loop Project

A member registered Jul 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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El juego está entretenido y en algunas ocasiones gracioso(lo del agujero negro). Y estoy de acuerdo con el del comentario de más abajo sobre la cámara, que no debería de seguir al jugador verticalmente. Y también estaría bien que añadieras la opción de cambiar de calidad para poder jugar el juego en pc´s de bajos recursos.

Final of the game in english.

Final del juego en español.

Intro of the game in english.

Intro del juego en español.

(1 edit)

Comics of the game,  SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's okay, I will keep it in mind.

Yep, the visuals are the Unity default 2D shapes,I had thought that the visuals would be like in the image, but I made a few mistakes with respect to the objects that were part of the platforms and it stayed that way. And that music is my first music  so its very simple and i don't know much about music. When I know more about all the areas i will continue with the project and I will do better, I still have many things in mind. Thank you for play my game. And what is your opinion of the last zone of the level(without spoilers)?

Some peoples say the same with the checkpoints and the camera, I will put the default camera(I'm not good at programming cameras) and add other things. I made the game in a certain way in which the player learned how to pass the level as he died, and after many attempts it passes quickly. But sorry for the camera mistakes. And by the way, I'm going to upload a new version that has things like music and maybe add the default Unity camera in that version. Thanks for play the game. PD: I recommend you get to the final phase, I don't think you expect what you are going to see there.

This was one of my favorite games of this Game Jam 4.8/5.

It's my second game, and I'm glad you liked my game. I will try to fix some bugs and add soungs and music.

So i'm that 1%, but thanks anyway.

It's okay, your game look and sounds good, but my computer can't do much.

This game will have a downloable version?

Jajaja, but i think you had played the version with bugs, i uploaded a new version that fix the problem with the camera. And thanks for play my game. PD: if you have time, you can play the fixed version only for test the camera?.

It's okay, good luck with your project. I will play your game in the future too.

Está bastante entretenido el juego, y no me esperaba ese tipo de controles para hacer los ataques, y tampoco me esperaba que al presionar los botones de atacar estos hicieran sonidos que en serie quedaban bien y más con la música de fondo. Y la generación procedural de los dungeons está bien también. Es uno de los juegos más entretenidos que he probado de está Game Jam. Lo único malo es que a veces los enemigos se quedaban trabados algunas veces al ir al mismo cuadro del dungeon y también a veces se quedaban yendo de un cuadro a otro y se devolvían, pero ocurrió muy poco. ¿Vas a continuar mejorando el juego después de la Game Jam? 

Yep, the camara have that problem. When i put the music on the game i willl try to fix that problem. Sorry for my english. 

And how good that you liked those things about my game. Thanks for play my game.

My pc  is some old, i can´t play it. The sounds and aspect is good, but you need to do somothing with the canvas, because some options of the menu can not be seen. And you need to delete the .exe of the page of your game and leave there only the .zip. Change the name of the .zip too.

El juego está en una etapa de desarrollo muy temprana y también no tiene mucha relación con la Game Jam actual. Ojala progreses bastante en tu proyecto y buena suerte.

When I press the left mouse button, it doesn't fire.

I think the folder "The Square Test_data" is missing

This game remenber me some game of tension that i had played some years ago where the player have some options of where he can move and wich what can interact, and depending what road you take you can find the end of the game or die.

Si encuentran un error en el juego lo pueden poner aquí, poniendo: Un titulo, una descripción lo más detallada posible, con el momento en que ocurrió, que estaban haciendo, y alguna otra información que crean importante poner.