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Inekoto Setsu

A member registered Nov 05, 2019

Recent community posts

Not that I've come across so far, but base from my experience it's just depending on how mean a Karen you want to be. 4 endings all varied on different amount of Karen-esque choices.

Wrestling on bed does count, right?

I can take TMon

Maddock is going to make me blush ngl-
and I'm pretty looking forward to see more of The Hunger as well

That's a shame tbh

Just wondering, is it normal to have save files disappearing in web version?


same question cuz i was hoping to bottoming for torulf or at least given the options to choose

ngl it felt pretty random at times so I can't really provide an exact answer, but the ones that were consistent were when I hit return during the options page before I start the game

Been really enjoying this for some time now, the way he had his grip on me is really smth (hrny sweats)
Tho I'm not sure if it's just my own issue here, the android ver would crash occasionally, I'll hope that this minor issue can be fixed in coming updates ><

Tried out the updated one and holy sheeeesh that feed me feature really is something... (keeps glancing at the bottom part of the screen)

ngl I did not expect the part with the Headmaster at the later portion in Aiden's route, but I really like it cuz I love him.. if only we have a gallery function tho
love the game and the characters, aside from a few typos I saw I really like how this is written, especially with quite a lot of 4th wall breaking stuff
can't wait for other routes (lowkey wanna see Tate topping MC ngl)

I actually wonder if there's any Option features in the future? I can't help but feel like the audio is too loud for me and I can't adjust the in game volume.

ah fuck- nevermind i'll try to restart my progress some other day

thank you tho!

Is there anyway to romance Maddox during the Debris Walker newbie phase?




Can someone tell me what do I do to get Maddox's sex scene I've been waiting to ride him-

Prior to the comments before, I finally found the way to open the menu. Idk why but on my case I have to click the title THEN the menu will spawn at the bottom. It's just that the cursor changed to the texting "I" cursor so it didn't click (figuratively) on me lol

For some reason I don't see any vertical dots as you mentioned

For some reason I can't get access to any menu in game, but I'm liking the game so far. Can't wait for the future updates.

I wish there's a feature to readjust the window size as I prefer to play it windowed instead of fullscreen.

(1 edit)

I'm playing on desktop, and it was Google.

*Edit: On my case it's I can't seem to click the top banner and I don't think I saw any menu icon either.

Loved the story, can't wait to see more (especially of Crow).

For some reason I can't get access to the menu.

Pray tell how long will the wait take?

The game has potential, it is overall good

However my complain is that the narration is confusing as it keeps switching back and forth from 1st person view to 2nd person view and so on. The grammar seems a lil off so I would suggest get some proofreaders.

ngl the game looks pretty promising, but the only complain i hv so far is how the cards are presented in windowed mode, the cards dont seem to group or come closer when i discard any card from my deck either

that Maccon's bulge is *chef kiss* tskr

Went through the demo and I am very pleased

Looking forward to get more action with Cpt. Taurus in full game

Omg the April fool's update is GOLD XDDDDD

And I would simp for buff daddy Lake ngl-

Let's just say the more you interacted with Rune, the more likely he will accept your request. 

ngl this is pretty good

one question tho, will there be sex scenes that mons top you instead? just wondering

That's actually a good idea tbh

Overall a nice leisure game, but somehow the scoring system is confusing. It doesn't have any indicator on how much points will it cost to get 1 star.

And honestly is it even possible to kill people with such a short CD? It's like he killed one guy and the next second he proceeds to kill another.

That's abusing the system ngl.

Since I doubt the devs will pay attention to reviews on Play Store imma write it here.

Apparently somebody hacked and abused the game option menu system.

Went to a game where the impostor was always the same guy, and right on the spot at the meeting spot he killed one by one as if the countdown was not a legit thing. Even reporting can't let us vote too.

This is ruining the experience. Please do something about it.

I sometimes would to the same tbh, I might too lazy to comment to I would rather downvote, as least made myself a point (shrugs)

Just let them be