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For some reason I can't get access to any menu in game, but I'm liking the game so far. Can't wait for the future updates.


Hello! I'm glad you're liking the story!

So for the menu, if you're on desktop you pick the three vertical dots next to the chapter name. If you're mobile, you click the top bar right at the top of the screen to pull up the header and chapter name, then click the three vertical dots to toggle the menu. I hope this helps! 💛

For some reason I don't see any vertical dots as you mentioned


For some reason, I can. We should drag the line (in the top side of the screen) to the bottom. Then, there is 3 dot beside the chapter name.

 -I am using mobile phone. 

Prior to the comments before, I finally found the way to open the menu. Idk why but on my case I have to click the title THEN the menu will spawn at the bottom. It's just that the cursor changed to the texting "I" cursor so it didn't click (figuratively) on me lol

I'm glad you've found it now anyway! 💛