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ill upload it once the gamejam voting period ends!

Hi, I couldn't upload the game in time for the jam because the internet went down just as it finished compiling (I was compiling it to upload 1 hour before the jam ended, my fault). Anyway, I'll upload it when the voting ends in case anyone wants to play it and for posterity :b

Thank you, I guess... although it can't be played because I couldn't upload it in time >:(!

nice one! its a cool idea implement the leaderboard but idk why i cannot use the arrows of my keyboard to move :///

hello i already fix it ! go play it now if you want :) devlog:

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I like the pixel art and the main puzzle idea for the game. It's a shame you didn't finish it in time.. better luck next time, and I hope you can make it! Also, the main menu and options screen look great! Maybe that's why you didn't have enough time to finish the actual game, haha try focusing on making the actual game first next time it may help to finish the game on time, even if the menu looks a bit ugly :B

morning axelf, how you doing? i just did that!

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alright enough! i'll fix it hahaha thanks for your feedback bro

Hey, thanks! I did the sprites as best as I could for the animations, and unfortunately, I didn't explain that part in the "how to play" section. You have to move downward by always pressing the S key

Thanks for your feedback, and yeah, I know I didn't explain it in the "how to play" section, but you have to jump and always press the "S" key to move and escape from the lava elemental!


It's very good! the art is great and the controls but it took me like 20 tries to get to the same spot in the level, and I always died in the same place xD maybe a checkpoint would have helped, just that, everything else is excellent!

I liked how you used the mechanics to make the player move around the map. Good game!

fun and easy to play i would like a bigger map or somewhere to go

greate use of the theme and mechanics! i liked it!

good game bro I like the idea. I think it would have been nice to add a camera control to have a better perspective of the ball

eey thankssI also liked it mainly because it's the first game I've made and actually finished for a game jam :') 

damn i feel proud of me :'))

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Hope you enjoy it! Made for the Microjam Nº13 and my first game uplodaded to !! (actually is the first game that i finish haha nooow im going to sleep)

thank you! I had that doubt. I already made some sprites customized for this jamm