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A member registered Aug 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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 thats so cute, i really enjoyed the jellyfish squish sounds

WOW! the use of the theme is so good, and i loved the style of graphics. Were those a bunch of scooters? lol. the music really made me feel the urgency, that was intense. 

oh that was fun, great stuff. i really liked the pallet and the bubble sprite, 

 i really enjoyed the jet pack and the graphics, the background tutorial texture, was a really nice touch. 

Great background, smooth sprites, I really enjoyed the world's aesthetic. Great stuff guys.

OH THAT'S FUN! great pallet and graphics, it set s a great tone.  awwsome bubble background, i wish i had thought of that.

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Love the art, set my heart aflame, i want channel 3 on a t-shirt XD

Great color pallet and a really nice art theme. I think hints could help, i did get stuck, but I'm terrible at puzzle games. The parts i could make it to made a really eerie vibe.

(1 edit)

Great vibe, I really felt I was alone somewhere I shouldn't be, the gray scale with bits of meaningful really added to it, and great sound. But I am not an avid puzzle game player, so i got stuck pretty quickly, i could have used some clues. oh theres a pdf! nice

hahaha great response, thanks

Dude i hope so too, the hunt for a programmer is always afoot.

thanks so much!!!

😊 thanks so much!

🥰 so proudly.

Wow. Solid art theme the colors the setting and characters the animations all fit together so well and made such complete world. that clone mechanic was really something to see, i am so impressed. DM me if you ever need a secondary artist. oh, and i love the death sprite.

loved the parallax.

::sparkle emoji:: dude, thanks.

WoW, the setting’s vibe really swept me away, the art and text really make another world, Love that color scheme. The tutorial UI, made it really easy to understand, great villains they were very fun to kill.

really? the rigging too? that's awesome thanks

great character design, that rigging and animation is so smooth. 

I had some navigational issues, at the beginning of the forest i followed what seemed to be a path but ended up in the graveyard and i couldn't figure out what to do there, so i walked along the edges till i found the path to the goblins, it was a little tricky to find, then i killed all the goblins then i brought them all back to life , went back to the graveyard, point being i could have used a little more direction, maybe some hints written on the graves stones.

 really liked the art style, the forest's tree texture was great and the swaying hair of the witch as she walked away from you was such a nice piece. And i really liked the magic being taken from flowers that was such a witchy touch.

Ha!!!! the controls were tricky but fun, maybe too chaotic but she's flying a broom so it adds up. the story was great, i really felt for the character lol and he ran too fast for my poor dexterity, so i never taught him the lesson he deserves.

that was fun, the controls worked very nicely but i could have used a bit more instruction or a different color for the killer, i tried to collect him the first time I died.

wow! this game is beautiful and so polished, great color scheme, fun intricate backgrounds. the controls were very smooth as well great stuff. 

for the sake of nit picking i'll say the game deserved a more visually complex villain, the slimes are cute but those backgrounds are amazing. Maybe a robot?

I agree the game play was intuitive so it was easy to enjoy the neat mind swap concept. I did end up a ghost trapped in lava.

love the steam punk vibe great character and world design the animations were on pioint everything fit together and that parallax animated background was beautiful

i like the art theme, everything  fit together making a really nice world. The character designs and the shape shifting  were beautiful and a little spooky.

i like the little bunny villain's design a lot, i felt like they through me too far back when i'd hit them i just kept falling off stuff, but my game dexterity is low. fun stuff!

super cute walk sprite!

it is such a cutie pie!

white walls and two windows next to each other. Everyone on my team who tried it made their way through so its probably my dexterity.

the movement and controls were great, felt intuitive for me., buti could never see the ground i was jumping to and fell to my death and had to start the game over a few times. cute wizard

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love the color pallet, and the title set, and the scattering coins, and that he turns ghostly as i hurt him, and the tutorial is so helpful, wow its such a beautiful world you've built. Pixivan i checked out your page, and wow!

the cover image seems to read chishine.

I'm not super dexterous, but that game was difficult and the gravity seemed really heavy.

i had issues with the colliders and couldn't get far but the world theme and the rain set a somber vibe with such cute assets. i really enjoyed that.  also le:moon? HA! love it.

super cute art and what a cutely designed character. But i got stuck very quickly.

cleansing glow! wow that brightened my day, super cute.  I got pretty far but couldn't get beyond the jump up past the 2 windows in the 4th? section, that could be on my dexterity tho. the double jump was very enjoyable! fun game!

oh wow i love the minimalist color scheme really gives a dark feeling to the forest and the character design and matching life meter are very charming and the way he breaths is a great touch of animation love . i wish the forest tile had had parallax also the jump was a little tricky.

The crystal cave is great oh wow and the grapple is so much fun 

you made an amazing world i would clean up the art add definition and add an jump pose.

LOOOOOVE that title cover amazing text the art and animations in this are so much fun (those door openings!) and have a great color pallet.

Neat music i love the spooky techy vibe

I had some trouble with the controls.

player and weapon designs were so cute and had awesome animations love the pink with the glow (the particles seemed to really slow it down) and the tiles make such a neat world  love the parallax but i felt like the tiles didn't match the characters coloring completely. great sound effects and music really made me feel the world.

Yes please!

Send me info I am so up for a jam!

Are we friends on discord? the chats easier.

this is the cutest thing ever i just keep coming back.