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Ivan Gabriel

A member registered Jul 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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Point was to learn something new and i had a blast using Godot. It was really exciting to learn something new and go trough literally all the Godot Nodes to experiment. I also used Kennies Mini Skate assets.

Thank you dario-zubovic for the idea and the initiative 🙌

we forgot to write it down, you can change it with F7/F8

the reason is because rendering is unoptimised and it slows down a lot with bigger render distance

Thank you, that is really cool, every time i log in i am happily suprised with the various content people make.  I am glad you have fun.
Btw, the whole project is open sourced, with all the commits and timeline available. Its not optimised and its not something you would use in a real game, but its a jam, we did it to explore new concepts, learn new stuff and have fun while doing it. 

we made /r/place but in 3D

we made /r/place but in 3D

We tried to make /r/place but in 3D, there is only one persistent world, every change is visible to everyone

Screenshots are awesome, would really like to check it out, but the game ends as soon as it starts so i can't play it. I just get message "You didn't survive".

Visuals and mood are stunning. 

Hi, we tried to do /r/place but in 3D, so if you feel creative try it out

Really like the design, my favorite part was torch behaving like boomerang, so fun to play with it.