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The Librarian

A member registered Mar 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hell yeah! Thank you!

Claimed! Thank you kindly 💖

This sounds amazing! And very nostalgic for me. Will trade a review for a Community Copy!

I love everything Mörk Borg and would love to get my hands on this. Funds are tight, but I'll happily trade a review for a Community Copy!

Full review, as promised:

I ADORE this entire concept. Any excuse to add immersion to a roleplaying game, and any excuse further to have player characters connect and bond with one another! And done so beautifully too! Bravo!

Glad I could help! Lemme know how that works out for you! 😁😁😁

I love this idea! And immediately love the demo! I'd like to study this more in depth but I'm a bit low on funds. Trade a full review for a Community Copy?

Thank you! I hadn't considered any sort of like... Threshold for the game. Just try for the highest you can and have fun with it!

This sounds RIGHT up my alley, but finances are tight at present. Any chance for Community Copies in the near future? I'll leave a good word in exchange!

Amazing feedback, and definitely something I'll consider adding to the project! Thank you! ☺️

Pretty sure I lost brain cells just staring at the page because I downloaded it and am just... IMMENSELY enjoying reading it. 10/5 stars

That's valid. I intended for the game to be more on the difficult side, but this is good, solid feedback. I'll keep this in mind for any future projects like this.

Thanks for giving it a once over! 😁

... Well now I'd like to meet Ryan so he can introduce me to Miku. So I can hug them both. Simultaneously, preferably. I love Miku and an adorable transmasc 💖

Cute little thing, and such charming artwork!

Huh, well I'll be damned. I don't think I can get the font down enough that it'll still be legible on one page, but this is actually very useful information!

Had I access or time to learn editing programs, this work is based on One Page Left- I could have fit this thing on a single page/front and back. As it stands, Google Docs is dumb and I am comfortable as the minimalist I am. 🤣

That said, thank you for an interesting take! Having friends play the puppets sounds like fun!

Glad you enjoyed it!

Valid point. I'm not much a designer and my tools and knowledge are rather limited at present, but I appreciate the input! 😁

🤣🤣🤣 Time to learn some music programs... And study Lo-Fi.

"My name is Detective Scales, PI. I'm a brown deer/crocodile hybrid with modest antlers and an award winning smile filled with sharp teeth. I've taken a break from crime-fighting to lay down some Lo-Fi tunes. My new album, Mysteries to Relax To, drops soon, and promises to provide a safe space for those in need."

On top of giving me a new personality (Thanks, Barb!), this game is wonderfully simple and exceptionally imaginative! Furry music is top tier and needs to be talked about more. Well done, friend!

That is exactly what I meant, thank you for asking.

Well done! Glad you had fun! 😁😁😁

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This is quite the system you've devised! Simple and elegant and inspiring!

Thought you'd like to know I did a thing with Aspire!

Then I continued to do the thing with a collection of expansions.

The adorability is off the charts! This is exactly what I signed up for.

I wanted to leave a thing for Beth and Angel to read on stream.

Hi girls! Hi everybody watching! I'm YouTube Famous now!

Dont judge me too harshly on this work. As I mention, it was made in about 15 minutes half asleep at 7am the day after it was announced. 🤣 But the basic idea was (in a sleepy, half-drunk-sounding voice) "When is a health bar more than a health bar... Gasp! When it's a WEAPON! Hilarity ensues!"

So yeah... Maybe not my best work. Might even be my dumbest idea. But knowing folks resonated and immediately had ideas from it, and that vibed with the silly nature... I take pride in that!

Have fun with my little half-baked oddity! Lots of love!

Thank you!! ^^ It was a spur of the moment, half-asleep idea, but it makes me proud to see even the GM in you finding value in it!

Oooo a deck builder and sequel to Their Shadows Slumber? I'm in! Cursory glance, and I'm immediately invested in the story. And even for not being a complete version of the game, what you have here is a marvelous start!

Also Ludicrous Speed. I see your Spaceballs reference and I for one appreciate it~

Can't go wrong with a little body horror~ The infection system is super cool, as is the fact you can empower yourself by forcing the infection basically. Something could go horrifically wrong and I'm here for it!

The word of the day here is chilling. Using your camera as the main mechanic is such a cool concept for a TTRPG! And your fate being tied to a coin toss... Masterful, just masterful!

The semi-competitive nature is SUCH an interesting concept, and beautifully manufactured here. And roguelike is ALWAYS a plus in my book.

Little complex for my blood, but that's a personal preference rather than a sleight at the creator. It's a beautiful Souls like blend of horror and medieval combat, and I can see how necessary it is to have a VERY well coordinated team to have any hope of survival. Beautifully crafted!

Im not immediately familiar with the system, but monsters of you and your friends' creations in a haunted amusement park? I'm immediately invested!

Your poems are always so simple, yet so thought provoking and deep. It's one of those styles I don't think I could ever get tired of. Bravo, Angel! 💖

It has been corrected! Thanks, friend!

The system I use depends on the game. For Bloodtears it feels most appropriate (at least to me) to use Mörk Borg Solitary Defilement rules. I usually narrate in my head but if inspiration strikes I share the narrative with friends on Discord ^^

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In the grand scheme, so few settings can evoke strong reactions and vivid imaginings.

Bloodtears is not a setting. It is a MASTERCLASS in setting, world building and atmospheric composition. It's a world that from page 1 I am IMMEDIATELY ready to dive into face first and see what kills me! And once I come into some better finances, I'll also be picking up your Bloodtears Companion and the Heretic Nun adventure to see what other sort of horrors await my ever curious, dark fantasy loving mind.

Bravo, Basunat! 10/5 stars from me!

Got it! Thank you!

Works for me! Thank you!

Hi! I'm an amateur game designer and this sounds like both an incredible game and amazing material to study/draw inspiration of. Finances are rather tight at present, but I'll gladly trade a review for a Community Copy!

Thank you! Took ages and a lot of concentration to get this one put together and out, glad to see folks taking a liking! 😁🫶

It's ready!

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I have no addition to this argument. I had no other way to reach out to you than here.

You gave me 5 stars on one of my projects to compensate for some jerk giving me 1 star for an AI cover image (despite saying I have no artistic talent myself and having ZERO other artwork).

I see you. I appreciate you. From the bottom of the heart in my freezer: Thank you 🫶

This. This is one of the most absolutely UNIQUE dice systems I've ever seen. And I'm modifying it only slightly to power a game I'm writing as we speak. I'll drop you a link when it's all finished and posted!

Well done, Valery!