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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Glad you liked the urge to quack! That was exactly how I hoped it would come across, haha! And glad to hear you liked the music, I'm really happy with what our composer came up with :D

No idea what causes that error at the end of the game, but thank you for letting me know! And an even bigger thank you for playing the game multiple times!

Tremendously impressive! Creative concept, fantastic theming, interesting mechanics, and stellar music! I'm astonished by the complexity of what you all managed to achieve in 48 hours. As somebody with far too many hours spent playing deckbuilding roguelikes, I could see myself losing plenty more playing a completed version of your game! Extremely solid job, well done!

Thank you! Glad you liked the urge to quack bar, it was hard not to laugh while putting that together. Appreciate your kind words!

Fantastic art, music, and sound! Really loved the concept as well - I think playing as a boss's servant or minion is a great idea, and I'd love to see it developed further. Being able to harm or heal the wrong target also adds a nice element of challenge that additional bosses or heroes could tap into with different movement patterns.

As others have mentioned, you can become stuck in the floor - but hilariously enough, I was still able to catch and throw blocks where I'd been wedged. So with just the top half of my skull sticking out of the floor, I managed to defeat the hero! Had a good chuckle after that!

Great game!

Thanks so much for playing and providing feedback! The dog sniffs whenever he begins patrolling, but I forgot to spatialize the sound properly, so unfortunately it is audible map-wide. Agreed about the music change! We'd planned to change the music based on whether the dog was alerted or not, but wound up not having enough time to fully implement it.

Appreciate your thoughts on the gameplay! It definitely ended up being too simple. I have a bad habit of leaving level design until far too late in a jam, and then scrambling to put something together. For this game, I'd also completely forgotten to account for obstacles/pathfinding with the dog's movement, which certainly didn't help! Absolutely going to focus on planning and executing level design much earlier in the process in future jams!

And really glad to hear you liked the quacks :D

Thanks for the crash report! Still have no idea why that happens sometimes haha

The only ones that were a little too crunchy or grating for me were the "updraft" or wind blowing thing, and the gun itself. I liked all the other ones! I forgot to mention I also loved the intro cutscene, haha. Definitely gives the player all the motivation they need! I think the run timer should probably have started after the player has control, though, but that's pretty minor. Fun game, man!

I've been lucky enough to collaborate with some talented sound designers and composers, and in working with them I've learned that I know nothing about sound design or composing, haha! It definitely takes a lot of time and practice to come up with something good, especially with free tools. If they aren't skills you'd personally enjoy practicing and learning, I'd definitely recommend teaming up!

And congratulations on your first finished game! Especially one that's this fun to play! You really did an outstanding job. 

Really nice music! And I love the art style, very clean! I played a few rounds, but I wasn't able to hear the word in reverse. Not sure if it failed to play or if I just couldn't hear it over the music. I also found it a little clunky to have to click to type in each letter of the word. Having the cursor move as I type or having a keybind like tab or something to move the cursor along would've made the experience much more convenient. But overall, great presentation and fun concept!

This game is brilliant! The puzzles were cleverly made and fun to solve, the mechanics were solid and easy to understand, the controls made sense, and the concept was great! I especially liked the stove/pot mechanics - getting extra height from pushing it over a burner was a fantastic choice. The heart effects when you bring the salad bros together was a great touch as well. Would have loved to hear more sfx or music, but I thoroughly enjoyed the game! Great work.

PS: My time was 10:33 - and about half of that was on the last level, lol!

Thank you for playing! Sorry to hear it ran slowly, I definitely should have tested it on more machines. Appreciate the feedback!

Really cool concept! Not sure if the desktop version also has this issue, but when playing in my browser, the cursor graphic appeared to be bugged, and was a barely visible 1px tall icon. So that definitely increased the difficulty for me! But I really like the idea, and it's definitely fun to convert enemies into allies with your attacks. Fun game!

Great game! Fun mechanics and awesome level design. Sound effects were a little hit or miss for me, but I loved the art and concept as a whole. Well done!

Thanks for playing! And I agree. I should have spent more time designing the level!

The art is great, and I like the premise! But the text can be quite difficult to read without some sort of window or background behind it. Because the combat is reported in text, it can be unclear what exactly is happening since there isn't any supplementary visual feedback. Still, it's very creative overall, and I hope you guys enjoyed making it!

Fantastic job! Extremely polished UI and effects. Feels really responsive to play, and the upgrades were a great touch.