How do I add shaders to the favorites list? Is it not user-editable?
Hotdog Laserhouse
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So I've been using Clickteam Fusion for most of my life, and it's where I'm the most comfortable and work the easiest. I know I should get off of it and find something better (especially with the way they've been getting lately) but again, it's where I'm most comfortable.
Fusion comes with a built in palette swapping function but it's the slowest thing on earth. Like, slow enough that I don't know why they even included it. Changing just a handful of colors can take 2-4 entire frames, and that's for doing it once. Cycling a palette is straight up out of the question, unless you enjoy bringing a Ryzen to its knees.
If I could do this on a shader, it would be tremendously faster. For example, Fusion also has built in sprite rotations that also aren't very fast (or nice looking) but it's not hard to find a rotation shader that does the job with a tenth of the compute lag.
The only issue is that I don't know how interoperable GM shaders are with Clickteam Fusion and I know absolutely zero about shader language so I wouldn't know how to convert things if there were differences. (The latter is a big point of frustration for me, because there are a lot of great shaders out there for CRT effects and the like that I wish I could just drop in to Fusion and cannot)
Well, I'm speaking from the perspective of checking my dashboard here on Itch and it telling me I need to reconnect my Paypal, and doing so starts the process of converting me over to a business account. I do have a couple things listed on Itch as "Pay What You Want," but to date they've barely made more than $100 in, gosh, what, three years? Four? But I do hope to change that some day.
This is a bit scary for me as I've had my Paypal account since 2001; it was actually started out originally connected to my Mom's bank account when I was in high school. I've heard some very worrying things over the years about how Paypal can suddenly freeze accounts for what they arbitrarily deem as "suspicious activity" so I try not to change anything about how my account is handled. Kind of an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" thing. Neither Youtube or Patreon requires this business account stuff, either, so forgive me if I keep my distance for the time being. I know I'm being a bit paranoid, but this sounds like a big change for a Paypal account that's very old and basically gets used more than a bank account.
Still finding this a bit buggy, but it's getting to be one of the most accurate PT recreations. For example, a bug I encountered is that when the bathroom door rattles at the start, if you rub up against the door the right way, you actually clip in to it and get pushed in to the ceiling.
Tiny, but important details like the two mating cockroaches at the very start of the game are missing, too. In fact, there are noticeably less cockroaches in this than the real P.T., and I think the cockroaches you have in this don't stay around as long, either.
Still, though. It's very close. Good job.
I finished my entry at three minutes to midnight my time. I created the page for my game and went to figure out how to submit it to the contest only to find there was a completely separate submission form with completely separate requirements to making the page
By the time I got everything all squared away it was several minutes past midnight and my game never showed up on the submissions feed.
So that's it for me, right? 322 hours down the toilet? :(
On top of that, in my desperation to actually get my submission in before midnight, I forgot to fix two incredibly simple bugs in the version I DID submit. Would've literally taken me seconds to fix them, it was like one line of code each.
I'm sort of crushed, and mad at myself. Not that it would've mattered, I don't think anyone would have voted on my game, having entered at the last minute...