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A member registered Dec 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks Dakhaimie, it was a lot of fun brainstorming on the music and atmosphere. Glad it somewhat delivered :) 

Cute art and concept! Awesome work!

Cool storyline, fun music, and cute art!

Love it! This was so much fun- I really liked the way there were limited coins and you are encouraged to recycling them. It kind of teaches you not to waste money :P  

The snowdemons are scary - they catch up on you pretty quick! Cool entry.

That's so sweet. To be able to relate on this level with another is so wonderful. Thank you Elvendwarf!

Thank you Rykuzu. Such generous words! We had so many ideas and it was a challenging to fit it all in. But we are happy that it resonated to a certain extent.  

Thank you for your kind words, Jordon - Narration is a good idea!

Considering this your first game jam well-freaking-done! The level of the game was bit hard for me, but the bouncy islands were fun! I thought the concept was pretty awesome.  

Adorable design. I think a background during the longer boat rides might be one way to show its movement of the boat. Fire guys were so cute and fun to dodge.   

Cute concept, lovely art and super fun to play! The screenshot below is where I found a glitch - kept falling through the platform circled. Music is chill, reminded me of Rayman! The difficulty was perfect for my skill level. Great entry Vinicius and Kevin.