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A member registered Nov 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

Hello! My name is HaruLuna (AKA HarukaNami.) I'm a new NSFW VN developer and writer ready to start making my very first NSFW yuri visual novel. 

Note: There will be no upfront payment! You will get paid in the end by kickstarter, so please read this doc to understand my situation!
AND to know the kickstarter's goal:

[b]What am I looking for?[/b]
1. A Logo Artist (The logo goes first) 

Your requirements to sign up:
1. Must be 18 years old or older (I will have to see your IDs (no bios! The internet can trick us.)
2. Must be familiarized with Castlevania video games or Bloodstained Ritual of the Night or Horror/Gothic Theme
3. MUST read all the documentations in order to know what my situation is.

Due to Covid 19 pandemics, holiday seasons, or full-time jobs. Please let me know if you need any accommodations (more time and etc.)     

Here's my contacts: 
Please use one of the contacts so that I know you are an individual being!
Discord: HaruLuna#7566
Twitter: Lunaamber7
Or PM me here

You are also welcome to ask me any questions or concerns.

(2 edits)

Hi guys! After some time has passed... I was finally able to make everyone enjoy the game without having to download Renpy! 

Basically, you can play the game without any more problems!

Hi there! Can you send me a screenshot of it?

Thank you~

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Wow, I gotta say. (In my opinion...) here I go...


This is one the best games you guys made. The story, the programming such as timing the statics onto each BGs, changing the textbox's color, and so much more!

I love how you put your own mascot on the game and it works so well to be Issac's therapist? (Tell me if I'm wrong DX)

Even the part when Issac and his friends were having dinner. Elijah just criticize him for no reason. In my head, it was screaming "This isn't right!!!! This isn't right at all!"

The suspense! Ahhhh!! Can't wait for the full game!

I actually came across your audio drama cd with Cmakesp. I'm reading this series and I just finished this game for now!

I'm so looking forward to the full game!

I'm playing the game right now and it's amazing! I'm also becoming friends with the VA who voices Lust already!

Kyaa! Can't wait for the full game :3

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Whoops! I forgot to make a comment as soon I finished the very first demo you guys put up earlier!

Anyways, I love everything from this game! It's cute, it's full of love, and it has some darkness in it too >:D

I can't wait for the full game!

Warning: this VN contains the topic of mental health. Please be aware when you are signing up for this.

Hello, my name is HarukaNami. I am a game developer, writer, and original GUI artist for my first visual novel game: Transparent.

As of now, I am looking for a GUI Artist who can work for free or trade such as editing or proofreading your VN (I don't have time to write right now.)

I already made the UI designs by myself, but I feel that the designs should be better.

For more info of the UI designs. Here's my contact:

Twitter: @HarukaNami4
Discord: HarukaNami#4091
Or reply/PM me here

Any one of those contacts is appreciated.

Look forward working with you :3!

P.S. You can get more info of the VN from this post:


P.S.S. The logo is already done!!!

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I'm a beginning GUI artist, renpy programmer and a bit of a experienced writer. Welp, the art part and the renpy programming are my beginner's side! XD.

My contacts are Discord: HarukaNami#4091


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Hello! Sorry about that! This game can only work if you have renpy! I don't think it'll work that way!

Hello! Thank for those who interested in my project. Unfortunately, I already found an artist who can help out!

(4 edits)

Warning: The visual novel I'm writing has some topics of mental health, dark theme and it's a story rich game too.

Hello everyone! I hope exams, the violent protests, AND the coronavirus is not pushing you guys to the toll. 

So, to get to the point I'm looking for someone who can replace my sprite and a CG artist due to encountering a sudden illness (Hopefully it's not the virus). 

After developing my first project: Transparent for six months, a lot has been done, so all you need to do is redraw everyone by using your skills, time, and etc to make this VN happen. 

The only way to see some sprite arts and bg arts is by looking at my weekly blogs.

Progress so far:
1. 2 out of 8 bgs are done. The third is still in progress.
2. Chapter 1 is revised, proofread, and done. Chapter 2 is still being proofread, but it's almost done. Chapter 3 is still in its first draft mode, but it's going to be done pretty soon. (There are a total of 6 chapters including multiple endings.)
3. Most of the music is done, but you would have to wait until the end of July to see some revisions. 
4. There are no CG arts right now, but the sketch for chapter 1 is eh…
5. Most of the UI designs are done. I forgot to make the galleries >_< 
6. Programming- most of the UIs are in the game :)  

I have a total of 8 sprites, but I'm going to reduce it to 7 unless you want to draw that extra character.  I also believe that one of my characters should have a second outfit. I don't know because it's a lot more work for you. Sorry! DX. 

What gender and age are the sprites?:

2 males (grown males.)
One male teen
5 females. (or 4)

Sorry for the lengthy topic, but this is also important to all artists. The art you have to use is DIGITAL PAINTING ONLY. There should NO LINE ART.  ALSO you are working for free and it's a long-term project too, so I can only offer an extension of your portfolio and letting you be recognized frequently for your work.  I can also do a skill trade: Writing, editing, proofreading, idea-bouncing or GUI.

BTW the deadline is September 3rd (DEMO ONLY) Three female sprites and one CG. It's because I would like to release the demo for the SuNoFES. If you cannot make it at that date, please let me know.

Please contact me by using Discord HarukaNami#4091 or at Gmail: for more info!

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I went through ALL the endings and my heart is shattered to pieces!!!! I love everything that's going on in this game! Keep up the good work team! 

I'm afraid to say that this game does not work on andriods. I got rid of it... so sorry about that!

Wow! I love the idea for this game! It's simple, just all talks and choices. We're also the bartenders too XD. 

The GUI looks cute! The logo is simple (Even though everything is still in progress). It's looking good! Keep up the good work team!

The music is beautiful, including the writing too! I like the approach it's going to! I look forward seeing the full game once it's released!

Hello everyone! My name is HarukaNami, I am a new GUI Artist who has enough experience from Nanoren projects and a commercial project to find some work!

I can choose one project for free and one project to be commissioned in.

Check out my work:

Check out my pricing:

Standard Set: Main Menu, Quit Menu, choices, and etc- $50

Extended Set: Galleries, Inventory, Calendars, and etc- $150

Extra Screens- $10

Revenue shares are fine with me too!

More info about me:

Questions, concerns, or recruitments DM me with either of those in the list:

1. Discord: HarukaNami#4091
2. Gmail:
3. Twitter: @HarukaNami4
4. PM me here
5. Reply on the thread

Thank you for reading!


Not sure where to put this, but I'll put it here! 

Hello everyone! I'm making a visual novel game that's called: Transparent! It's an english mystery, fantasy visual novel that lets you play as TWO main characters that struggle with painful existences.

Warning: This game will talk a little bit about mental health. 

First blog is up! Send me a private message if you have any questions or concerns!

Not sure where to put this, but I'll put it here!

Hello everyone! I found a BG artist already! Thank you to the others who are also interested in participating too! 

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Hello everyone! I am currently looking for a BG artist who is willing to work for free OR I can do a skill trade (write/edit your VN) for my first project! The genre is high fantasy, but I won't make you draw too many details, haha.
Beginners are welcome too!!! But it's not a first-come, first-serve routine. Please show me your examples or you can tell me what you want from this project.

Please PM me by my Gmail: or Twitter @HarukaNami4 or on Discord HarukaNami #4091.

Just showing how the art looks like right now! Thank you FrostyTrashyPanda #4211 for drawing them!

P.S: Stay healthy everyone!

Yes, that is the name of the game file!

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No, there isn't at the moment. Let me go ahead and ask the creator to see if she or I can make it for you after I edit the whole game for the second time. 

The music is amazing! It really fits the theme of your game!