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Hank Portney

A member registered Mar 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Wow, thank you so much for the kind words and thoughtful feedback!  So sorry about the A-key, haha, you're definitely not alone there--we were going for a text-less experience so any language-speakers could play, but I think really missed an opportunity to tutorialize that one.  Fun fact, you can actually press any key to trigger that, haha.   Your idea about programming the entire platformer with overlap for timing is actually so genius, I wish we'd thought of that during the jam!  Moves more into puzzle/platformer and really evolves the mechanic--writing that down for a hypothetical 4th level if we ever expand further.  Thanks for playing!!

Thanks—and very fair feedback.  We hoped to lean into flexibility with the way you can choose to control, but that definitely means certain control schemes can become clunky.  Any ideas on how we could have improved the connection options?  Appreciate you playing!

Thanks!  We actually have two other genres of game levels with a car and spaceship too, if you haven’t already gotten to see those—you can skip to them with shift+5 and shift+7.  Thanks for playing!

Thanks so much!  We definitely felt more could be done with how the connections work too—we actually set up a very flexible system for defining ins and outs, but ended up leaning more into overall polish than expanding on the mechanic.  Great lesson for next round.  Thanks for playing!!

Extremely satisfying feel - shooting feels punchy, and especially appreciate the quality of life feature of holding to repeat shoot.  Music is also fun. Nicely done!

Very cute character!  I wonder if the level could be designed to make you jump on beat with the music and go up/down based on where the song is in the future

This is such a creative concept!  A lot of our initial ideas were also about using the same activity at two scales, but none were this creative.  I love how the incentives are different and possibly contrasting between scales, which creates depth and complexity; while there's a single-directional flow of results from one to the other, which makes it simple to play with.  The aesthetics of both scales are great too.  Nicely done!

Thank you and oh no!  If you want to get past where ever you’re stuck, you can use shift+1-8 to skip to a particular level—maybe one of the later ones will be easier.  Thanks for playing regardless!

So cute!  I love the little sounds on every action and the fact that you leave some parts up to the player expression.  Because you stay in one scene, too, everything feels very "tangible".  Nicely done!

Very interesting concept to consider platformer and tetris movement at the same time!   I found the controls a bit unintuitive at first, but getting some progress ends up being quite fun.  Nicely done!

Love how whacky you get when covered in weapons, music and style are fun.  I wish I had a weapon fire button as separate from "consume"--I wanted to time certain attacks to enemies positions for fast-paced combat  but had to wait until they fired.  I also wonder if this concept was explored further if the weapons could have both benefits and consequences - maybe certain weapons would richocet off walls and hit you, so you maybe choose to absorb them after they outlive their usefulness.  Nicely done overall!

Very clever idea to consider seasonal changes *regionally*, so you can have multiple seasons in parallel!  Creates a neat vacuum for strategy.  Art and music are also very cute.  Nicely done!

Very stylish and great evolution of mechanics!  I thought the elevators transitioning between levels (and making me press start from within one) was such a nice touch.  If i had one piece of feedback, it'd be that I wish some of the assets actually tiled their texture when scaling, like the ladder and chain - although it wouldn't be very realistic, it would better explain how you're able to climb them, and keep your pixel art scale consistent.  Overall, nicely done!

Fun concept and very cute art!

This is so fun, creative, and well-polished!  The central mechanic is super genius - one simple action, lots of considerations with the way the penguins move and the iceberg interrupts.  I love how much the gameplay escalates as you keep going--but you get benefits as more penguins get on from the 1-2 connecting "stops".  If I have one suggestion, it would be that it's very frustrating to lose a penguin when you're sliding the platform the opposite direction, and slows down the pace of the game - I wonder if once a penguin gets on, they could automatically stay with the platform in the center / get pulled to the center and stay there until their destination is connected, meaning you could switch around a lot faster.  Still though, very fun and nicely done!

I enjoyed that I was able to play past failure and got a laugh out of continuing to build a whacky single pillar leaning tower.  Fun game!

Very fun, snappy movement and was cool to grow against the same sized buildings!  One feedback item: I do wish the dash was a little less instant, as it was a bit jarring sometimes.  

Incredibly satisfying to shrink and grow sizes, especially on my trackpad - animation, sound, shader/visual filter/particles - very cool!

Each new creature was funnier than the last, hilarious and amusing art.  I bet y'all had fun coming up with those haha.  Nice!

This mechanic is absolutely GENIUS!   Instantly creates a risk/reward loop and need to develop a strategy.  On top of that, every interaction is super satisfying thanks to the fantastic sound effects combined with cute reactive art.  Nicely done!!

Fun concept to combine new instruments with new damage mechanics!  I do wish I could move a little faster, but still fun.  I enjoyed the dynamic music from each new band member.  Nicely done!

(1 edit)

This is so, so delightful.  The "simple" controls instantly create so much comedy as I get flung everywhere, immediate difficulty/mastery curve.  If i had one suggestion, it might be to help me visualize where I'm gonna get flung - some kind of arrow, perhaps.  Really nicely done!

Simple yet fun!  Some silly chaos moments when I'm almost about to get hit and have my hands in a precarious spot.  I feel like I found some clever strategy for moving faster - by stacking hands one on top of the other, possibly 2 apart.  If I had one piece of feedback, it's that I wonder if adding arms would add some interesting gameplay constraints - maybe you can't have the arms cross eachother, meaning you have to rotate the arms more carefully or have more of a reason to go left and right.  This would also more clearly communicate the expected limits of your reach to the next handhold.  Overall nicely done!

Very interesting concepts!   I had an especially fun, possibly unintended moment where I enlarged to the max while inside a wall and zipped right to the end; but the actual puzzle design was solid.  My one piece of feedback would be that I wish the scale of objects to interact with like the box was indicated without numbers on it or the character, but instead with either animations or other texture details.  Perhaps some kind of "weak" or "too strong" animation for pushing when not the target size - to keep the screen clutter-free.  Regardless, nicely done!

Simple and fun!  I love the animations for biting and some of the risk/reward loop for trying to get bigger.  I have just one suggestion: I wish I had more visualization for which lizards I can/cannot bite (if there are limits - it seemed like I couldn't bit the super big ones), or alternatively wish that I was able to bite super big lizards and got MUCH bigger as a result.  Really fun how the scale / considerations of gameplay change as you get bigger regardless.  Nicely done!

Very fun concept!  I really enjoyed getting up to speed with the ball.  I do wonder if more could change mechanically as the ball gets bigger / I could do more with it - maybe it bounces off of walls more, or I can use it to cross gaps, etc--definitely a rich starting place.  Also, the cat and ball are very cute.  Nicely done!

Immaculate vibe between the artstyle, cute character, and sounds.  I did feel a bit frustrated with what felt like unintended consequences - I lost some items when I died and wasn't sure if that was intended, as the spots in the world were gone - but otherwise very charming.  Nicely done!

Very clever puzzle design and absolutely beautiful artistically.  The combination of simple interactions and small levels with a really in-depth complexity from sequencing makes your puzzles strong but not unsolvable.  I did run into some small issues where sometimes my mouse seemed to stop responding to clicks on the blocks (and yet, the pause button always worked); weird unless I failed to understand a mechanic.  Regardless though, really nicely done!

This is so unbelievably funny.  I laughed aloud the first time I pressed shift and tumbled my stack to the ground, then when I pressed space in an attempt to jump and exploded my stack but catapulted myself up to a ledge.  Beyond the physical comedy the sounds and dialogue was also hilarious.  This feels right at home with mario 64, banjo-kajooie, etc as 3D collect-a-thons.  Nicely done!!

I'm so impressed.  This is a beautiful, haunting story coupled with a really strong puzzle game; and yet both make sense together.  I both was immediately immersed in the story but also really engaged by the puzzle design - the evolution of mechanics were really smart, and I had some AHA moments around resizing and the blocked off blocks that were great.  on top of that, the art style especially for the left side of the screen and right side transitions is so beautiful and thematically appropriate.  Wonderful job!

I (genuinely) love that my bad construction in the first level forced me to start building at a ridiculous slant, making the rest of my game way more chaotic.  Really fun emergent gameplay in that way.  Nicely done!

This is so incredibly-well-designed, polished, and FUN!    I got so much joy out of speeding up both for how much fast and out of control I got, but also for the well-selected sound.  I immediately feel like this game is speed-runnable and could quickly evolve into either a strong solo platforming direction or a puzzle-platforming one.  I have only one tiny nit, which is that I can't jump with arrow keys, or shrink with a key other than x - which means I'm stuck shrinking and jumping with the same hand and can't multitask--I feel like I could have moved much faster with the other hand controlling shrink.  Super fun, hope to see more of this in the future - nicely done!

I absolutely love the art style and feel of this game; the fonts, colors, backgrounds, and animations are all fun and the little details like the folder movement are nice touches.  I think the theme concept is fun and well-integrated, and especially "tipping your thumb on the scales" as Frankenstein with a disembodied finger is very fun and thematic.  If i had one piece of feedback, it would just be that I don't need the animations of stats effects after the first round, and wonder if it'd have been more fun if it just quickly applied stats so I could proceed through cases, saving animations for major milestones in those stats (like if I dipped one stat below or above 25, 50, 75, etc could there be a special animation for those).  Overall, nicely done!

Interesting concept with going back and forth between scales, and the actual scaling animation/sound was fun.  I will say because of the specific mechanic of changing my color (majority colors) it does become a bit tedious to go back to a prior level; but I could see some very interesting puzzles if it was a bit simpler, like the "last" color you were or something.  Nicely done!

Fun concept!  If you expand on it in the future, I wonder if the different parts could have more varied and obvious abilities, and maybe you could get a preview of the enemy and their unique abilities ahead of time, so you can cater your approach to it.  

Definitely an interesting concept that seems ripe for interesting puzzles if explored further!   I do wish I could have moved faster and the size changes were communicated more clearly, as it took me a while to figure out what influenced what size changes (i.e. pressing backwards while moving forwards).  

Very cool theme and great execution!  Super satisfying to fling yourself, and the movement of steering an actively-flying object made it both fun and a unique challenge to hit the differently-sized targets.   I loved the zoom-in effect when holding down, which made the variable speed interesting; and I like how much depth comes at the simple interchange of speed/held time and the enemy size/flight pattern.  If I had one suggestion, it would be some indication of the disease "heatlh" or time-to-death--perhaps changes in sprites or sounds.  Overall, nicely done, quite fun!

Wow, this is a brilliant concept and a well-executed game!  Not only are the vibes immaculate (art style and audio are excellent and fit the narrative theme nicely) but the gameplay loop is really cool.  I definitely found in challenging to react to my towers getting lost, but the power unlock of more surface area and "budget" is really cool.  I had two thoughts to make it even better: (1) I wonder if the time between consumption of your towers and next enemy spawns could be increased, so I could prep my defenses - like a break between rounds (maybe), and (2) I wonder if you could consume towers based on their proximity to the center, so that I could control which of my defenses "stayed alive" between rounds more easily (that may already be happening, not sure).  Overall, nicely done!

Ah gotcha, yes, that's correct - you connected it to jump, so it activates only once when connected (as opposed to the pulse, which activates multiple times).  Can definitely see how that behavior could be confusing, though.   Re: theme, those ideas are great--love the idea of button size having an impact, and we considered in-level pickups but ran out of time.  Thanks for the suggestions/feedback!

Any ideas on what the top button could have looked like to convey what it did (assuming you're talking about the "constantly on" node)?  And interesting, we didn't realize as we didn't participate that year, but makes sense; we were really thinking about building connections and how the scale of the change was dramatically different from the scale of the impact.  Thanks for playing!