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A member registered Oct 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much!

Não sei do que você está falando 🤓kkkkkk


Thanks! glad you liked

Thank you so much for playing! I wish I had added a better tutorial to introduce the puzzles, but I didn't have enough time.


Thanks for playing and the feedback!

I spent some time with the mouse sensitivity set to the minimum, lol, until I realized there was an option to change it. Good game!

Thank you so much! Damn, I should've thought of that lol

Cute art characters 😊

very thanks


Glad you liked! think you were in the green force field room. You can shoot the field like it’s a door 🤯

Very thanks!! 😁

Good survivor. I personally like survivor games a lot

Thanks, glad you liked 😁

Love the clown HAHAHA

Very thanks for playing!


Thanks!! 😊

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!

Thank you very much! ❤

It was a pleasure to participate! Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoyed the game. 😄

Thanks for playing ! 😁

Thanks for playing! 😊 nice idea

Glad you like it! 😁


Something more like trying to do it as fast as you can using the timer. But it's just a hypercasual game to pass the time, there's not much conclusion ☺. Very thanks for playing!

Strategy 🤠

lol, I was in a rush in the last few minutes to put on the music and I put on the first ones that matched. Thank you very much for playing!

Thanks! the color palette is "Ink pink"

Thank you very much! I do plan on making them when I have the time.

Damn demons 😂 thanks for playing!

I had thought of collectibles that would hinder the enemies, but I didn't have time to make them. Very thanks!

Thankss! 😊

Glad you liked!

Doujin Fest community · Created a new topic Rules
(1 edit)

Does the game need to reference a hobby? Another question is, does it have to include a character from Foxymoron?

Found! Bug fixed

Sorry about that, it's a prototype that might have a lot of bugs. A question that will help me resolve, did you upgrade the axe and didn't receive any axes, did you try to restart the game and still don't have any axes?