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A member registered Dec 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey I think there is something wrong with your Stripe payment method. I tried to pay with two different credit cards and it gave me an error along the lines of...

* Your account cannot currently make live charges

* Payment Code: P-20535991

* Contact itch support

I dont think the error is on my end as I have recently used my credit cards to pay for other things. 

I have also since used PayPal to purchase this asset from you and that attempt went through. So I think its just paying with credit cards through your Stripe account thats having issues. Figured I'd let you know.

Anyway I have looked through the assets briefly and imported it into both Blender and Godot, and so far I like what I see. I can't wait to do more with it. Thank you and good job!

too bad the evidence was flushed down the toilet. i mean if there is evidence. i mean there is no evidence cause no crime happened. he’s swimming with the fishes… i mean in a lake like a farm far away all happy - like my childhood pet dog…

hahaha anyway thanks for playing Zatzu!

This was an interesting one. the controls definitely make you feel like a flopping fish a bit like it takes more effort and energy to flop around where you want.  really like how the second level ramped up the difficulty by making me have to control two fish at  once. good job.

so ridiculous! great job!

nothing like being booed off stage by a school of fish, as my backup singer cries while im sitting on her... 10/10 experience. haha looking forward for more if thats the plan. 

i like the concept. the physics based mechanics is cool. the graphics and music are nice and fitting. the only thing is that i just wish the fish didn't die so easily haha.

o this so cute and simple. i love it! i can see why you played this for hours on end in club penguin. great job!

nice creepy little memory maze game... apparently i became an akapaima or something? it was awesome! good job!

(2 edits)

unfortunately couldnt get it to run either. sad cause it looks amazing. just wanted to say good job though, i am sure you put a lot of effort into it and that shows through the screenshots.

I read your post below. if you are looking for an engine you could try Godot, its free and has a pretty low barrier of entry imho. 

There is a lot going on in this game. some of it confusing at first, but once you get beyond that the games got quite a bit of depth (pun intended). good job!

this is such a gem! i really loved the entire gameboy feel of the game, brings me back. i loved the puzzles and graphics. great job!

wow this is cool! i really dig the music and gameplay

(2 edits)

o haha oops, i just assumed.  junji ito is a horror manga artist. the end of your game was reminiscent of one of his stories. "Gyo" i think is the name. you should check it out if your into that kind of stuff (horror, manga).

o also i just realized, we both used a goldfish as our main character. goldfish devs for the win baby! 

hahha have a good night.

i found the concept interesting. it’s a very chill game which l enjoyed playing. With that said though, after playing it multiple times i found that i really wanted the game to be faster. like i found myself essentially speed running the game after awhile and i had a lot of fun doing that. i know that thats probably contrary to your intent so take what i am saying with a grain of salt.

Normally i don’t like slippery movement in a game, but I think the movement was fun and it did make me feel like i was handling a slippery fish haha.

i think absorption mechanic should be faster. that really slowed the game down, but then again i like it faster. and the collectible fish didnt make much sense to me, also i dont think it worked the way it was supposed to…

…I know this is a jam game , but i found the fish doodles had no real purpose to them. originally when i first played the game  i was under the impression that filling them with ink was the goal… but when i finished the game i realized that the goal was just to reach the end of the level. but maybe you ran out of time to fully implement that part? i dont know. all i am saying is that as the game stands now i feel the fish doodles mechanic feels out of place a bit. I am not saying it should be scrapped. I do think that this mechanic is what makes this game what is it. I just think there should be a purpose for it beyond just doing it cause it’s there, ya know?

also from what i understood, the fish doodles where supposed to deplete your ink pool but it never did for me. So is that just a bug, or did i misinterpret the mechanic?

Anyway with all that said i did enjoy your game (i did play it many times after all) but part of me still thinks that your game just wants to be a more fast paced speedrunning-esque type of game. ya know what mean? but thats just my two cents.

great job overall. 

thank you for your feedback xana! i'll be checking your game out soon.

i think i got to wave 6 or 7 - around the time the lobsters start spawning. also i played the OSX version.

enemies are really fast. game is fun though i ended up herding them into one group at the start of each wave and then massacring them as they came straight at me. this strategy, of course, didnt last too long once i got the damn bomb. boy did that thing force me to move around much more hahaha. i think thats what i liked about this game the most, there was just so many surprising twists in this game that i didnt expect to begin with, and i couldnt help but enjoy the experience. it was just fun. Now to the deets…

i love the retro style graphics and sound. really fit with the arcady mechanics i felt.

i like how the drops dont disappear. really helped with survival strategy - like keeping the health drops around for the next waves. 

I wish the experience drops stood out more, they blend in too well with the scenery.

please don’t let bullets fly through walls cause in this case you’ll kill a enemy fish in a wall  and then they drop the goods in the wall prohibiting the player from picking them up… and then they are just in the wall taunting the player for the rest of the game. then again you can keep bullets going through walls but create a system that sort of teleports the powerup to the nearest tile that the player can access. something like that. anyway…

one last thing those lil fuckers are really fast haha. but ill be honest i kinda get it, it would not have been as entertaining to me if they were slower i think. but on the other hand they were so fast that i had to immediately (after wave 1) resort to a cheezing strat to get by. i dont know if that is the intent of the design or not, but i’ll leave that for you to ponder as the creator.

anyway i really enjoyed the game. great job.

Overall a very good game. I really liked the double jump mechanic, specifically having ammo powerups as a means of traversal. very fun and clever.

I found the game hard which is why i also liked how the progress you made (opening doors and destroying toxic spheres) didn’t reset. it felt like i was making progress and making the next attempt easier on myself. All at which took the sting out of dying all of those times haha.

o and I always appreciate a good junji ito reference.

if i could change anything it would probably be the timing of the platforms. i dont know if its intended or not but when i died i just wanted to get back into the action but found myself waiting for the platforms to rematerialize. 

anyway great job. it was a lot of fun.